Who's the smart kid?

I'm trying to find the smart kid from this movie and what he looks like now, I don't know his name in the movie though. You know the one, the kid with the glasses that makes the plays. WAsn't he in another movie playing like the exact same character as well, some nerdy smart kid with glasses?


The smart kid is credited as "Nubie" although I never heard them say this.

I knew him as the kid Winchell on North, so I looked up his real name. Matthew McCurley.

He has alternate last name of McCurly (dropping the "e") He has little information on his homepage and hasn't done anything since 1996.

I'm afraid that's all the information I can give you. Hope I helped.


Nubie is credited in memorable quotes as the chinese kicker...

"You think it is over, but the games have just begun."


I saw that. But whomever said that was mistaken. The kid you're thinking of is Marcus Toji and he is credited as playing "Marcus."

He's still acting a little. Mostly bit parts but hey, it's work.

I saw him on an episode of Still Standing and recognised him instantly! He hasn't changed a bit.


He looks like that "Minkus" kid on Boy Meets World... it very well might be him.

Dance like nobody's watching,Work like you don't need the money...Love like you've never been hurt


It sort of looks like him, but it's not. Sorry.


Yeah I just looked at his name and the Minkus guy's name and they don't match, but they seriously look alike.

Dance like nobody's watching,Work like you don't need the money...Love like you've never been hurt
