typically anti-male

anytime disney shows females competing with males,regardless of the sport,the female is shown to be superior..always..anytime there is a member of the opposite sex walking in on undressed ones,its always the female walking in on the male..girls punching or kicking boys because they have acted badly is considered ok..you would NEVER have a scene where a boy smacks a girl for acting badly(nor should you)little giants is not an exception,its the rule,and its pervasive in its anti-male sentiments


Oh please, like there aren't a million sports movies, including Disney movies, out there with the male jock dominating everything and the pretty little female cheerleader on the sideline. Just because there are a couple movies out there that put women/girls on equal/superior grounds as men doesn't mean they are anti-male. And even if they are anti-male, it's just beginning to make up for the millions of movies that are "anti-female."


pay attention..my point was VERY specific..there are no movies...NONE..where the male athlete beats the female athlete in competiton..and you ignored my comment about females assaulting males as an applause moment because the guy is acting like a jerk..showing girls as cheerleaders(i hate cheerleading,its sexist
and demeaning)hardly offsets my points,nor are they relevant..shame on you for the "making up" comment..that only continues the cycle of discrimination against males and females..my opinion that disney,nickelodeon,etc perpetuate anti-boy atmospheres stands,but i will listen to examples of anti-girl scenes,as i think sterotypes of any kind,especially in movies watched by kids,are harmful


How old are you people???? I hope like 15, because when I was that age, I got all bothered over that nonsense, but come on, IT'S JUST A MOVIE!!!!

Anti-shmanti, all people suck, just face it, you and I are no different.


anti-shmanti??all people suck??yeah--you sound REAL grown -up


You must not have seen my team scrimage the 15 year old boy team. They won 1-0 only because when they "scored" a goal on us because the boy kicked the ball out of our goalies hands. I always push a lot of people and I was not exactly hurting the boys, but I was takling them. And it wasn't like they were a bad team either.

I was so angry at our coach always saying "Don't hurt my girls, don't hurt my girls." It's like they slightly bumped us and he would say that.


LOL what about the bad news bears.........Didn't Kelly Leak beat Amanda at the skateboarding rink?


soccer is not football


yes it is bitch


actually,its not..football is soccer in other countries because they do not have the equivelent of our game of football--the nfl stands for national football league,not soccer--consequently,we refer to soccer AS soccer to differentiate between it and american football--the entire thread had been about girls playing football,and the poster's claim that she had friends who played soccer against boys ignored the observations that football was phsically dangerous..you knew that,of course,because youre not stupid..you made believe that you didnt,so you would have an excuse to use the word bitch to someone while at the sanctity of your keyboard,keeping one hand free to desperately search for your tiny penis..dont try to deny it,and dont think you can offend me with some childish,vulgar rant in return,you just dont have the credentials.by the way,nice handle tigerfanfolife..i bet you like to spell the word cool as kewl and say lol a lot..go back to sleep


1. This still does not excuse the fact of the matter that football IS soccer. It doesn't matter what the NFL stands for. Hell, NFL could stand for National Forensics League. Go to the UK, when people challenge you to football and you whip out the pig skin, people will laugh at you.

2. No equivAlent? (must have been a champ speller back in the day) NFL Europe? Sit down bitch.

3. Sanctity of my keyboard? 4365 Grafton Circle, Mather CA, 95655... Meet you outside fool...

4. Just set the world record for penis finding, I must be a beast.

5. Im sure you know all of my credentials

6. Thanks for the complement of my little moniker here; I myself find it rather cool.

7. zzz

