So cute and great

I just loved this movie when i was in elementary school. I watched it a couple nights ago because i couldnt get to sleep, and wanted to watch an old flick i hadnt seen in forever. I used to watch this movie over and over again. I think this is the first movie i ever saw Devon Sawa in too, unless I had seen him in Casper first.. i forget which he actually made his "debut" in... but he was on of my childhood crushes... haha. But anyways, I just think the plot is so cute, and it's also funny. I loved "Zolteck", but i already posted what i liked about him on another post. But i also wanted to say sumthin about Becky (Icebox) and Junior. I loved the whole lile crush thing b/w Becky & Junior... so cute... tho i always find it creepy how in movies & t.v. they'll show a kid havin a crush on another kid, and then their parents start likin each other!! I mean, that's a lil too FREAKY-DEAKY for me. If the movie was "real", then becky & junior could end up bein step-siblings!! The parents should back off.. lol, anyways! I really like this movie! It brings back good memories from the "younger years". It's hard to imagine it's already been like, 10 years since it was made! Time flies! Holla if you have a comment about the movie too ;)


I watched it just now having not watched it in about 8 years. I was in tears all through it! I think I'm either a wimp or extremely sentimental!


lol, well, i dont recall crying through any of it, but it sure does put a smile on my face and make me laugh!! haha, maybe you cried because of like the "feeling" it gave you after not having watched it in so long? lol, i dunno! But crying's ok! But i found more to laugh about myself :) Little Giants rules!! lol, it will never get old! ;)


This movie is the best! One of the ones I put on after a bad day! Can't believe it was made 12 years ago. This movie is as old as my car! I was 16 when this movie came out - loved it then and I love it now! Can't wait to share it with my kids one day!

"If it's too loud, you're too old!"


This is one of my family's favorite movies. We watched it with my little cousing when it first came out. Now, we watch it whenever it is on. I am still amazed that I don't own this one. DH and I loved it and now our girls do too and tell their friends about it. DD wants to be icebox. DH said when I was pregnant that he really wanted out daughter to be like icebox. Tough as nails, pretty, but still a little girl. The wish worked. DD can definitely hang with the boys.


I love this movie. It's still great even now that I'm older. I remember I had the hugest crush on Junior. I didn't realize until a couple years ago that that was Devon Sawa.

"Be not afraid of greatness."
