MovieChat Forums > Little Giants (1994) Discussion > why didnt cowboys kick a FG

why didnt cowboys kick a FG

when it was 4th down with 10 seconds left in a TIE GAME, they go for a TD lol....are fg's not allowed in pee wee football or something? lol


you can't trust a kid in pee wee's to kick a field goal. teams get more points for kicking a field goal extra point than for going for a "two point conversion."


In the NFL, extra points and field goals >20 yards are taken for granted because the players are pros.

In pee wee, a field goal is extremely hard. Finding a kid that can kick around 20 yards is actually not the hard part. That's a misconception. The problem is:

1) the snap

It's VERY hard to find a kid who can snap the ball right to the quarterback, who is 10 yards away, consistently every time.

2) the line

It's hard to get an offensive line that can hold 11 people who all want to block the kick.

When I coached, we got #2 settled but we could never be certain about the snapping. The big challenge is that the play is extremely-reliant on the orchestration. Everyone has to do their job and do it reasonably right or the play can fail. If the snap is even slightly off course, all hell breaks loose when the holder has to fetch the ball and try to throw a pass ("fire", we called it) It's not like a normal snap, where one kid's athleticism can compensate for another's mistake. (e.g, by outrunning someone or jumping to catch a pass, etc)


its a kids movie, are you seriously discussin the playcalling?
