MovieChat Forums > Muriel's Wedding (1995) Discussion > What made David like Muriel?

What made David like Muriel?

I never quite understood this. What is it that made David like Muriel all of a sudden? I'm talking about the funeral scene where he's standing outside. Why did he come to the funeral knowing he didn't seem to care about Muriel at all?


I agree, they don't really give a good explanation other than he just let down his guard and saw that she was a decent, sweet person. But yeah, not enough depth in that part of the film.


You might be right, it's either that or one of those cases when 2 people are living together and have no other choice but to grow fond of each other I guess.


I think it was because that was the first time he really saw Muriel being vulnerable and real. Before that, she was seemed to him like a desperate, silly, giggly sort of girl, but seeing her so raw and emotional meant that he realised there was more to her than he initially thought.

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I agree. When he made love to her I don't think for a minute it was to maintain the facade, or out of pity. He really cared for her at that moment and this is how he expressed his feelings. I loved that scene.


I agree with this as well. As Muriel said..her whole life she is pretending and lying to become this other person and she was doing the same with David when she first met him. But when she lost her mother she was so upset that it forced her to be real and he finally saw a genuine emotion from her and realized she isn't as fake or shallow as she pretended to be. Like both of the characters said he didn't love her but he realized he could have grown to love her or at least consider being in a relationship with her. I thought the scene between them was beautiful and it made sense to me at least. I thought the kiss was pretty wonderful too..from a girl's opinion and David's adorable face didn't hurt.


I thought it was kind of obvious. He saw Muriel as herself, sad and unhappy due to her mum dying. He saw her as a real person and started to have feelings for her.


I think it was just pure empathy. To lose your mother is one of the greatest pains anyone can go through, especially a young woman, and I think he thought she just needed a friend. I don't think David was a bad person, just ambitious and focussed.


Empathy, sure. But remember, he thought she was some kind of weirdo before, asking her what kind of person marries someone they don't she kinda proved she was human after the funeral. Also, sex. They had sex, or at least the film alludes to that. Sex brings people closer, in some cases.


I figured a couple or things:

1) Maybe he didn't really like her, and was pretending to make it look real for the sake of actually looking married. Remember he had to marry an Australian citizen and it had to look real.

2) Maybe he loved the fact that she loved him, and that was enough for him. When she told him she didn't love him, he said "Well I don't love you either, but I kind of like having you around." It's also possible like another poster said, they grew fond of each other by living together. We also don't know if the scene where she leaves is the first time they had sex. If it wasn't, he may have enjoyed the sex.

I sometimes don't read the bottom of posts because I think it's a signature.


'' Maybe he loved the fact that she loved him, and that was enough for him.''

Did you understand the film at all? She did'nt love him one bit,she just loved how the marriage to him made her look good and she had reached her goal of getting married and being like every1 else. That was the whole point.Muriel set herself goals for all the wrong reasons and in the end she realised that these goals of 'marriage' and being like everybody else were not going to make her happy.The only way to be happy was to be true to herself and be herself rather than be like everybody else or to keep up appearances-love never came into it for muriel or david, they were too blinded with their ambitions to ever love or care for anybody else.She realised this though at the end where he appeared to be trapped.


He came to the funeral to offer his condolences because he felt bad for her, and probably because it would look good since they were married. I think he started to like her because the death of Muriel's mother changed her, and he started to see the real person underneath the persona Muriel created for herself ("Mariel").



Yeah, this. David wasn't a bad guy. He was just very focused on his career and panicking over the whole deal. Immigration does look into those types of marriages and you can get into a lot of trouble over them if they think you're pulling a citizenship scam. So, it wasn't just a case of thinking Muriel was weird. David had every reason to be freaking out.

I think David's appearing at the funeral was intended to show *his* growth and that he wasn't as shallow as he'd first appeared. He could look outside his own feelings, and show empathy and consideration for Muriel's grief. Ironically, Muriel's decision to leave probably made him like her more. Even though it was the right decision and perhaps her first wise one, he must have felt a little regret losing someone who was finally starting to grow into a young woman with honesty and integrity, hence their night together. You're supposed to feel a little sad, instead of completely relieved, when they do break up because they are both actually good people under it all. That wouldn't work if he's just the shallow, self-absorbed pretty boy he seems to be at first.

Innsmouth Free Press




david would have come to the funeral because muriel's dad was a politican remember so the funeral would have been in the press and thus he would have had to keep up appearances or the press would criticise him for not showing up and increase riskin the scandal he weas involved in. However,i think it was at the funeral david's humanity shone through and seen muriel for who she was. Remember both of them were very alike in ways and he recognised this.
