MovieChat Forums > Muriel's Wedding (1995) Discussion > What's wrong with the mother?

What's wrong with the mother?

Why does the mother in the film act so .. peculiar? Especially in the first few scenes, where she puts the tea in the microwave, and so on? What's wrong with her?


After having such a hard life and being constantly insulted and abused by her husband and used by her children, she just has a hard time dealing with life. I feel SO sorry for her. She is treated badly throughout the whole film.
It's so sad


I do feel sorry for her, but nobody is forcing her to stay with him, and it's not as if he abuses her physically. As for the kids, they're just being kids. Every mother puts up with it.


I more or less got the impression that she was chronically or maybe clinically depressed.


The Heslops are a very dysfunctional family. I feel very sorry for the mother. Emotional & Verbal abuse can be just as bad or worse than physical abuse. I'm sure she is in the same position as many other women who have been in this situation that feel they don't have any other option, or believe it will get better. She was obviously very beaten down by years of abuse. As for
Muriel and her siblings, besides the 2 younger kids I think Muriel, Perry and Joanie are all adults and are just freeloading at home. Though they apparently have been through years of abuse also. The youngest girl in the family really shows how much they disregard the mother in the scene after the mothers death and Muriel comes in and Penelope is on the phone with a friend talking about the boy that she likes coming to the funeral.
Jeanie Drynan played Betty Heslop heartbreakingly well.


She's got depression, and no one seems to have noticed. Probably why she's got it in the first place. Plus, she's well aware her husband is having an affair with Deirdre x


yeah, i was a kid when i first saw this movie, i so wanted to get my hands on there son, he rele anoyin, i still cant watch the scene when she comes into the church, an muriel misses her as she leaves, jus so sad, her face lights up, then is torn down when her daughter dosnt notice her


Well, as for the youngest daughter, different people deal with death in their own ways. By acting the way she does, it might be her way of dealing with the pain of the loss of her mother.


Or the kids believe their mother is a useless human being. If you grow up in a home like that with your father telling you that you and the rest of your family are start to believe it. Why should she care about her mother's death if no one else does? She was never taught to respect her mother. She's bought into her father's lies and so her mother's death probably doesn't really matter to her.


Well said, Cloudburst.


Or the kids believe their mother is a useless human being. If you grow up in a home like that with your father telling you that you and the rest of your family are start to believe it. Why should she care about her mother's death if no one else does? She was never taught to respect her mother. She's bought into her father's lies and so her mother's death probably doesn't really matter to her.

no, the reason why the mother's death affects muriel so much is because she sees that everyone is lying to each other or themselves. muriel lies a lot to others but especially to herself. muriel's dad lies a ton for personal gain in hopes that all the things he does/manipulates makes him a somebody (e.g. he makes a big deal about the ex PM sending him a note of condolence).
but the most tragic figure is muriel's mother who lies to herself.
Muriel's mom thinks that her husband and children define her and that without them she is a nobody--which is Muriel's own biggest fear in the beginning and throughout much of the film.

Muriel finally understands that living life through other people and their expectations is b.s. and goes after what she wants in the end. I wish she stayed with the South African and gives the dude a chance--but she just wants to stop ALL the lies and pretensions.

Good movie. :]


I wasn't referring to Muriel here. I was referring to the youngest daughter. I was making my observation based on this quotes from two previous posters...

The first poster said:
"The youngest girl in the family really shows how much they disregard the mother in the scene after the mothers death and Muriel comes in and Penelope is on the phone with a friend talking about the boy that she likes coming to the funeral."

The reply was from another poster was:
"Well, as for the youngest daughter, different people deal with death in their own ways. By acting the way she does, it might be her way of dealing with the pain of the loss of her mother."

My comment was directed at the reply to the first quote.


There is also another boy, as well, but we don't see him say anything, that I recall, until he explains why mum burned the grass.


I thought the girl on the phone was the father's girlfriend's daughter. She seemed completely removed from the situation. a child THAT young would be having a different reaction than chatting on the phone plus she didn't even acknowledge Muriel when she walked into the room(as a sister).


You have no clue about emotional abuse. After years of being mistreated and called useless, discarded like she is nothing, do you really think she felt she had any hope of finding anything better?


Pffft the fact that she would have no money, has stayed home with kids and foregone any meaningful career, no money, as well as having low self-esteem due to the constant belittling? How can she leave, where would she go? A person in her position wouldn't have the wherewithal to go anywhere!


"After having such a hard life and being constantly insulted and abused by her husband and used by her children, she just has a hard time dealing with life. I feel SO sorry for her. She is treated badly throughout the whole film."

That is so well put, there's really no need to add anything.
It sums up much of what has been said here. Yes, of course she is "clinically depressed" -- because that's just the "clinical" term for her state. As for the reasons, see the wonderful description above.

As for her not being physically abused... my God, psychological abuse can be much MUCH more crippling than any amount of physical violence! (Especially long-term and consistent, as in this case.)

And so: no, nobody *is* forcing her to stay -- by constant neglect, abuse and humiliation she *had* been forced, long ago, into a role that is unworthy of anyone; she's been turned into a door mat. She can't leave because she doesn't have any will to live (for herself).

If she weren't a mother, I am sure she might have considered leaving the husband. But those children were the only light (however dim) of her married life, her only reason to live.
It's so unbearably poignant to see her trying to take the blame for everything ("or maybe I wrote the wrong sum?" she asks hopefully, after Muriel/Mariel had misused her blank checks!) -- because it's actually much easier for a mother to bear the burden of guilt than seeing a child of hers being blamed.
And in the end, when she SEES, as if for the first time, that even her precious children take her for granted and treat her like a servant, she just can't take it anymore.

And BTW, I am not an a priori victim-hailer. Also, she is not the only victim in the family -- others have also been victimised by her allowing a situation like that to go on. (But that's a long story.)

Anyway, a great tragic figure, wonderfully acted -- and criminally overlooked by them award-bestowers.
Ah well, it figures...


half a year later...In true life, if you lived through decades of life like what is shown in this movie, would you be able to live. Or would your only possible way to live be that of a life in a bubble? If you just see insults and other verbal downgrades why not take them over, as kids. Showing this is probably the saddest part of the whole movie. Mariel/Muriel realizes that at the funeral, for the first time she realizes that her whole live has been full of hatred and lies, finally she finds her freedom. My point of view. Beautiful movie!


Well said, particularly this bit:

"And so: no, nobody *is* forcing her to stay -- by constant neglect, abuse and humiliation she *had* been forced, long ago, into a role that is unworthy of anyone; she's been turned into a door mat. She can't leave because she doesn't have any will to live (for herself)."

That's why she took the pills and killed herself; facing life on her own, fending for herself, with no means of support... it was just too much to bear.

The mom character broke my heart. I felt so terribly for her.



I think the mother was not only depressed, but would retreat into her own little world to insulate herself from her life of being treated like a doormat. In several scenes, she has to be asked the same thing several times because she is in la la land. That is also the reason she forgot to pay for the shoes, she just went off into herself and forget she had them on. At some point it stopped working for her and she faced reality and found it was just too much for her. I think the two breaking points were the wedding and getting arrested and her husband's reaction to it.


the worst part was (besides her actual death) but when shes in the car will Bill and says 'i need help.." and he just turns on the radio! i was 4 or 5 when this movei came out, so i probably saw it when i was like 6 or 7 (yeah i know, not such good material for a little girl, but whatever, blame my mother, she loves ABBA) and i remember liek flipping out, 'how could he turn the radio on when shes saying she needs help!!!' and i was also always realy upset that eventhough muriel/mariel didnt see her mother at the wedding on accident, it wasnt intentional, betty's face looks liek someone just shot her dog. the whoel part how she couldnt afford to fly so she took a bus, and then the cab, and she has a gift and evrything, and probably a new dresss.. then the clippings in the album, omg i always cry.


I was pretty young the first time I saw it, too. I saw the cover at the rental store and thought it looked "fun". I just got my very own copy.

That part in the car really got to me, too. Her face crumpling at the wedding felt like someone clawing at my guts. The clippings in the album got to me a bit, but what really gets about that part to me is when Muriel gets to the end of them and there's the photo of her mother, completely alone, at what looks like her wedding reception (if I saw it correctly?) That was so terrible.

It was like her mother was utterly invisible. I was about to say that no one considered her pain, but the truth is much more wrenching than that: No one considered her. Full stop.

Edit: I just looked again and the photo of her mother was just a snapshot at a restaurant. But still, the image of her completely alone in a candid and not even centered in the photo was very effective.



the mother most likely married the father VERY young. and had the kids...plop plop after the other. then the father got ambitious and the mother was out of her league. and the kids got fatter and lazier. but when he leaves the mom for the makeup bimbo, she really flips.



What broke my heart is the fact that Bill didn't even care about his wife's suicide.
At her funeral, he was more concerned about himself and his image.


What broke my heart is the fact that Bill didn't even care about his wife's suicide.
At her funeral, he was more concerned about himself and his image.

I could see that coming. Bill was so selfish throughout the whole movie that I didn't expect to see an ounce of sorrow at the funeral. The only ones I could remember seeing any bit of sadness was from Muriel and Joanie.

Love each other despite our imperfections.
- Amber Benson


Perry and the youngest boy also looked very sad in the house while the tramp was cleaning it.


The youngest daughter struck me as the father's favorite as well and I figured she was probably really spoiled. She was thin, probably a middle school cheerleader and a snot. She WAS just a child though. Many victoms in that house.

Another part I thought was sad was when Muriel took advantage of her mother during the whole check fiasco. It was so sad that her mother was that far out of reality that she didn't understand what she was doing.


And she didn't want to understand what Muriel had done. It would have been less hurtful for her to think that she made a mistake with the check than to know Muriel took advantage of her (like everyone else). Very Sad!


What always made me so sad was at the mother's funeral when it's announced "Her daughter's wedding was one of the highlights of her life"'s so so sad, and Muriel didn't even acknowledge her. I think this movie is one of the funniest movies, but also one of the saddest, too.


Well said, I really felt for her too. She was shat on by her entire family.

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:


Chronic clinical depression, obviously.

But you ARE Blanche ... and I AM.


It seems like some people think it's easy to just get a divorce and move out of the house, but both women and men choose to ignore their partner's infidelity, stupidities, evil actions for the sake of keeping the family together, and sometimes also for economic reasons since many stay-at-home wives don't have any money or any education to help them out if they divorce. Muriel's mother probably felt that she didn't have any other alternative than to carry on leaving in hell.


Jeanie Drynan should definitely have gotten some awards for playing Betty Heslop. I bought her portrayal of depression completely.

One of the worst scenes was when Bill turned on the radio in the car after she said she needed help. I don't get how he could be that heartless and uncaring. Bill was a horrible excuse for a man.

~"Chris, am I weird?"
~"Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird."


She appears to suffer from Major-Depressive Disorder, and rightfully so. That's why she seems to be off in her own little world all the time and her response time is so slow.

I loved this movie, but the storyline with the mother disturbed me. After I watched it I texted my mom thanking her for all of her love and support. Motherhood is the hardest job in the world, and it is such a thankless one as well. I felt the most sorry for the mother in all of this.


The mother's suicide always makes me feel just horrible. If I were Muriel I'd at the least tell pop's what a total pig he is..


The mother's suicide always makes me feel just horrible. If I were Muriel I'd at the least tell pop's what a total pig he is..

Agreed. The one thing I felt was missing from this movie was a confrontation between Muriel and her bastard, lying, cheating father. Other than that, it was great.


The mother had severe depression. Her children and Husband felt she was nothing more than "the mom slave". All she was good for, to them, was cleaning/cooking, etc. They ignored her. Her husband cheated on her and didn't care for her. Her husband was abusive and scared her kids into being flakes. Her kids, in turn for being treated badly by their father, only knew a bad attitude and did the same to the mom. Basically she just felt useless and felt tired. And I can't blame her. Her family was very dysfunctional.


a devastating story that of the mother. notice how the first and last times we see her on screen she's standing at the same spot with the same expression in her face, she's lost, she's stuck in that kitchen. an amazing movie.


Trying to help people is a VERY tricky business and I don't like using the word tricky but in regards to this, it is tricky. The person who needs help HAS to get it on their OWN, get it folks, go get it on their own. My step dad was molested as a child so he drank to drown it out, then he crashed 9 Texas edition pick up trucks! Then he got kicked outta the house so he had to live in a trailer park and this man was RICH but with hollowed heart, he just lost steam in life but YET he would give U a $10,000.00 if U needed it. How about the person on the street who says they need money for food but they buy drugs instead. Some world we live in huh? God help us and 4give us!

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this ucking baby outta me, do that @ least!


my grandmother used to make tea the same way. she was a little crazy.


Depression or just so used to living in her own little bubble after being ignored by pretty much everyone else, which helps life seem more pleasant to her.

Ashmi any question
