Jeeeez this movie was sad

The part with the mom changing her shoes in the store, she looked so worn down. Then her holding the gift at Muriel's wedding, the photo album, the car scene, the sentiments at her funeral. That portrayal disturbed me so much, I just wanted to slap everyone in her family.



I agree...I remember seeing it for the first time and being shocked as it seemed to be billed as a lighthearted comedy. I'm happy it was deeper than that...the characters were so well thought out and watching it again I was taken by the very real transformation that Muriel went through. I love this movie so much. It holds a mirror up to life, sadness and all.


I agree with both of you. This movie packs such a punch. It's so horrible to think that Muriel's mother lived her whole life as the unhappy woman that Muriel was trying so desperately not to be. But Muriel got out in the end and made something of herself. I derived some hope from that...but it didn't stop me from being a blubbering mess. That beautiful mother. I feel teary-eyed just thinking about her :(

Blue Valentine/Williams/Gosling/Weaver/Hawkes


I HATED how everyone ignored the mother. I felt so sorry for her. I just wanted to give her a big ole hug. It was sad to see how depressing she was. And, then, when the mom is all happy for Muriel, Muriel ignores her at her wedding. You can tell that severely hurt the mother even more. It was so sad that she died. That made the movie so sad to watch.


Muriel did not ignore her mother at her wedding. She just didn't see her there because she was so fixated on her husband and the whole wedding thing.




It fits with ABBA, sad music, sad movie.

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this ucking baby outta me, do that @ least!


Everything that happened to the mother was most heartbreaking of all, she was a genuinely sweet women who always tried to do right by her family but her years of hard work went by unappreciated 

They didn't care about her until she died, even after she died her own pig-headed husband could only think about himself. Poor woman would have been better off walking out on her family and starting a new life just like her daughter did. But thats obviously the difference, she didn't know how to do that.

Ashmi any question
