MovieChat Forums > Reality Bites (1994) Discussion > Troy looked like he had bad breath

Troy looked like he had bad breath

His mouth looked all crusty and he was smoking, drinking & eating junk food and coffee all the time


And his clothes and hair always looked dirty. There's something sexy about him though, I just think he needed to take a shower every once in a while lol.

"I was tired of January... tired of June... I felt a change a coming..."


Haha! I always think this when I watch it. I must admit though, there is something sexy about him- even with the greasy hair, seemingly bad breath etc. lol.

I lick the gun when I'm done 'cause I know that revenge is sweet...


The crust around the mouth is "keeping it real" and showers are for sellouts.



duh grunge - everything was dirty. Ethan Hawke is always sexy - I can't complain!


I thought the same thing about Lelaina. Especially the part when they are walking, drinking cups of coffee and smoking. Then they kiss! I was like "Blechh."


yeah and body odor. Apparently he never did laundry (bummed off the girls when he could) and apparently didn't shower much either based on how he looked. Anyway dude really wasn't a catch no matter how you look at it.
