Love this Movie

I saw this in the theaters in 1994 and loved it, and I've watched it many times over the years and I still love it. I don't get all the negative critisicm on this site, but to each his/her own. So many of these scenes resonated with my own college experiences. When they're trying to figure out what to do for food and Troy says, "Domino's takes checks" I almost died laughing! That's how we survived in college. No money, but Domino's took checks and so it would take a few days for the check to clear, by which time we could cover the amount. That probably wouldn't be understood by people graduating today. Or in the beginning when Vicki says the only thing she learned in college was her SSN--that was the first time I ever found out what my SSN was, and now it's embedded in my mind. Her comment about Columbia House trying to find her. This all relates to most college students in the '80's and early '90's.

The soundtrack is awesome. I love the scene where Troy walks by Laney and Michael kissing while "Baby, I Love Your Way" is playing. The dancing during "My Sharona." How do you not laugh when Laney rewrites Grant's cue-cards so that he tells the audience he has "an odd preference for very, very young girls?" I love everything about this movie.


I was a teenager in the 90s, and I enjoyed this movie then. But now in my late twenties, I re-watched it, and it's just poorly made.

YES, there are good qualities: the cast is perfect (I LOVE all of them, don't get me wrong). The idea is great (the 90s culture was all about Gen-X; why not create a movie about them?). And there ARE some great lines/story ideas like you mentioned, but as a whole this movie doesn't flow at all.

The script is poorly written. It's a mishmash, and doesn't feel natural at all.


I love this movie as of my favorites. This movie is very true to that particular time, therefore making it difficult to resonate with younger viewers. The grunge scene was BIG, but it only lasted a short time (greasy hair and thrift shop clothes). Aids education/testing was very prevalent and Melrose Place was a really good show.

Hey, did you ever try dunking a potato chip in champagne? It's real crazy!


I am totally with you on this one. I feel like this movie is about me. I went through so many similar experiences. And the whole dating thing and the whole vibe of the time and surroundings. I still love this movie today and feel like it is part of me and I am part of it:)
