One of the worst movies ever made

Why was this movie even made??


It's very, very strange but that's what makes it fun. I'd put it in the middle of the series. Not the best but not the worst.


Not the best, but definitely not the worst, either. I thought it was a fun spoof of the original, and despite its over the top nature, it was a fun little flick in its own right. I'm in the minority perhaps, but I think its vastly underrated.

The Saw Is Family


Not the worst ever. You need to see more movies. I find this rather enjoyable.


There are a lot of defenders on here and I respect their opinion, but I agree that this is one of the worst movies ever. Every big slasher franchise has its horrible entires (Jason X, Freddy's Dead, Halloween Resurrection) but this one if almost unwatchable. It absolutely ruined the Leatherface character and went so campy and over-the-top that it's very strenuous to sit through the whole thing. I absolutely despise this movie and can't see any redeemable qualities, even if it's viewed as a parody.



Maybe not the worst movie ever, but the worst in the series by a wide margin, IMO.


I remember thinking "this is the worst movie I have ever seen" after watching it the first time. I still can't decide if it's the worst movie I have seen or simply the most brilliant. Or both. I can't decide if it's a 1 or a 10. I'm sure it's discussed here somewhere but I just made it the board here, but I always wondered if it was meant to be brilliant in a weird sort of way or just a complete waste of effort.
