Better than Texas Chainsaw 3D

A bad movie. But at least this was met to be a stupid comedy and the over the top acting is fun to watch. While 3D was unintentional comedy which featured bad performances.

Hell, even the production values is better. In 3D Leatherface's mask looks like something from a Halloween store!


I'd say NEXT GENERATION deserves more than 3/10, but yes it is better than TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D. And from what I've heard about Leatherface in the upcoming prequel, this transvestite version may be even more true to the character.


It is most definitely better than Texas Chainsaw 3D.


I love both. Slightly prefer 3D a little more, but Next Generation deserves more love. I personall rate it an 8/10.

"I am the one who knocks"


I agree, but I love both. I'll go a step further and admit Next Generation is my favorite TCM film (just loved the hilarious over the top nature, and Vilmer practically steals the show).



Yes, it is. Way better :)
