Leatherface Is A Tranny!

Leatherface is a tranny in this and dosnt even massacre anyone!!! How the hell did the writers think it was a good idea to turn him into a transvestite? Rene Zelwegger was so bad she must have sucked an awful lot of bellends to get another role. Matthew McConaughey was the only thing that was good and his performance shows he can act. Thank god he went on to bigger and better things, Id love to see him do this kind of performance in a serious big budget movie he would probably get an oscar....Leatherface a tranny wtf!!!!


I believe he had makeup on his mask during the "dinner scene" in the first movie, so he might've had transvestite tendencies all along. But this movie wasn't quite as subtle about them and exaggerated them a lot more. I think it's kind of a fun movie anyways. More of a parody then a sequel.


Leatherface is a split personality whom takes up the identity of the mask he wears. Whether it be a deranged killer, a grandmother, or what he thinks is a beautiful woman. At least that's what I think Kim Henkel was aiming for in the original, and may have gone overboard with this time around. He did mean it as a dark comedy after all, so I try not to hold it against him.

The other films in the franchise have dropped this characteristic, possibly finding it too strange and unconventional, or simply quote unquote "gay."



Such a travesty
