step on it mr spottish!

If I remember correctly, around 6am (sunrise) there is an old couple in an RV in the middle of some godforsaken field for no apparent reason drinking bloody maries... they see a girl and a chainsaw guy coming and the old woman turns to her supposed husband and yells "Step on it Mr Spottish!" Then they fly off the road into a ridiculously big wood pile (conveniently placed 2 feet away from the road) and they are never to be seen again...

That's how it is and will forever be in my mind, possibly the greatest moment in cinematic history.

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


Well her telling him to "step on it" was to drive faster away from Leatherface In Drag. But they're never seen again, the movie moved on and went with Jenny.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


haha I know why they were supposed to step on it. I just thought it was awesome that she called him Mr Spottish

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


I just thought it was awesome that she called him Mr Spottish

Never heard of that name before this movie.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


Haha yeah and the fact that they are referring to each other as Mr. And Mrs. Spottish as opposed to their first names. Also what were they doing drinking bloody marys at like sunrise anyways?

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


Also what where they doing drinking bloody marys at like sunrise anyways?

And while driving.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


They had to confirm that this movie in fact happened in Texas

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


They had to confirm that this movie in fact happened in Texas

Texans do it alot I take it.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


Haha their state flag is a DWI ticket

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


Doesn't thw woman also say something like "There's a monster chasing her!"


One of the gretest moments in cinematic history indeed but as with the rest of the film people who don't get just don't get it.

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."


There's a monster chasing her!"

Yep, "there's a monster chasing her with a chainsaw."

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


I watch this movie like every few months and like I've seen it probably 12 times now and still laugh till my stomach hurts at this scene. This whole movie is just filled with awesomely made choices. Like when Leather smashes the door open runs into the room and grabs that chick and then it cuts to him smashing the door down AGAIN. There's no way they didn't notice that they filmed the same thing twice... and yet they kept it in the movie. They deserve a gold medal for this movie.

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


Too bad she didn't say something more comical like "there's a big lady chasing her with a chainsaw".

Yeah you PMS like a bitch I would know


I wonder if the couple died when their RV flipped over or they were just knocked out. They obviously don't climb out of there after Jenny does. They're just never seen again after that. If they don't get out of there they might end up as victims of Leatherface and the rest of the Sawyer clan. Or maybe not, Leatherface is too busy doing his chainsaw dance to notice them.

"Is that the one with the donkey and the chambermaid"?


They left it open for a sequel.... what's gonna happen to Mr. And Mrs Spottish?

I'm not emotionless in fact I broke my wrist when I wrote the list of all those I miss


They left it open for a sequel....

TCM 5. The wish gone ungranted.

But I hope Kim Henkel's modern day reboot works out.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


The reboot better be entirely about the Spottish family. Anything less would be a crime against humanity.

Take credit for anything embedded in the edit, so long as you meant it when you said it.


mr. and mrs. spottish come to, and they climb out and wonder how they are going to get back to town after their RV has flipped over...a friendly driver named Vilmer has offered them a ride.

There you go, Texas Chainsaw massacre 5

