"god damn it i said get in the truck"

The scene when Vilmer stops and picks up Jenny is hilarious. Its more than obvious that Vilmer is a psycho, he should have had killer tattooed on his forehead in that scene.

Vilmer: You shouldn't be out here on the road alone get in.

Jenny: Are you the one who moved the cars?

Vilmer: Look either you want a ride or you don't.

Jenny: Wheres Shawn do you know where he is?

Vilmer: I know exactly where he is, now why don't you get in

Jenny: Well where is he?

Vilmer: God damn it i said get in the truck!

And she gets in LOL, some strange guy pulls up in a truck and says he knows where her BF's at and even says "God damn it i said get in the truck" and shes just like "Well ok" I was like Wtf? Dude is obviously a psychopath you dumb b!tch.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


It always makes me laugh when Jenny says "I think I want you to let me out of here" and Vilmer says "you think or do you know?" 


Lol that just sounds like something Matthew McConaughey would say.

Vilmer- Ya know Jenny i was driving this Lincoln long before anyone paid me to drive one.

Jenny- Please let me out.

Vilmer- Ya know Jenny i don't think you understand the importance of riding in a Lincoln, one can not just simply get out of a Lincoln ya gotta take your time to really feel it.

Lol i just got a visual in my head of a psycho McConaughey picking Jenny instead of Vilmer.

I know most consider this movie to be garbage and the worst of the series but its hilariously bad. The characters and the dialogue are just gold, its great to watch this with a group of friends and just laugh at it.

Especially Vilmer's woman when she gets out and just randomly starts beating that girl with a stick and she goes "Stop please" and she just drops it like "Well ok" lol such a random fcking scene.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.
