Question about Andy's escape

I just watched it for probably like the 500th time. It's my second favorite movie ever after The Godfather. I never thought about this until now though. How did Andy get to Buxton after going to a dozen banks and not get caught? I'm assuming he went to the banks, went to Buxton to drop the money and letter off for Red and left the same night? I would assume that Police would be everywhere after the escape was known. Do you think the escape was announced the same day? Never really thought about this until now.


Don't forget that that the cops and civilians were looking for an escaped double murder lifer named Andy Dufresne. They weren't looking for a clean, articulate, professional businessman named Randall Stevens who, by the way, had proper identification.

And he needn't have worried about time; he now had plenty. He would have bought his car and taken a nice leisurely drive to Buxton, then head south.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.



In a way it proves Frank Abagnale Sr's line in Catch Me If You Can about why the Yankees always win. Andy looked the part and the bank managers were too busy fawning over him to think that anything was unusual.


Sorry, but in terms of good filmmaking, none of your questions matter since the suspension of disbelief is not interrupted in those scenes.


Even if it was announced that same day, information didn't travel as fast as it does now.

How many of us would instantly recognize an escaped prisoner? Especially if he was dressed in a suit just going about his business.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


The responses are solid, and explain Andy's escape pretty well, but I still agree with the OP that the issue is dubious. After all, look at what happened to Warden Norton once Andy mailed the evidence to the papers. The story got printed, the DA issued indictments, and arrests were made (and brains blown out). Boom.

Andy Dufresne was a notorious criminal who escaped from Maine's maximum security prison. His face would have been very quickly plastered on all the papers and on TV. This was the 1960s after all. It would have been a huge story and Maine is a small (population-wise) state. It's hard to believe, for example, that the banks didn't figure it out. He went to a dozen banks in a single day. These tellers and bank managers would have remembered Randall Stevens and the instant they saw Andy's photo they would have recognized him as the guy they'd never before seen who walked into their bank and cleaned out a huge account.

Then Andy goes to Buxton and takes the time to bury a package for Red under a tree, so he's hanging around the area for awhile. It's easy to believe that he escaped, but it's easy to picture somebody capturing him, too.

You buy egg roll!


he could have gone back to Buxton at any time later on, after the heat cooled down.
and the bank managers reported him a day or two later, big deal, he's gone.
and would they really expect an escaped prisoner to have big accounts to clean out? from what, making license plates?


1). The Warden & company likely limited the spread of info to avoid looking bad in the public eye. I don't think Andy's escape was announced the same day

2). The film shows that Andy had proper ID for the Randall Stevens name. If he got pulled over by police or something, he would just show his ID and be on his way

3). As stated, he looked like a well-grommed businessman, not an ex-convict


the cops and civilians were looking for an escaped double murder lifer named Andy Dufresne. They weren't looking for a clean, articulate, professional businessman

Where did Andy get a razor to shave?


Probably from Red sometime over the years.


Where did Andy get a razor to shave?

Probably the same place Andy got the rock hammer.

Even today, all sorts of contraband make it into prisons.
