A true turd of a movie

This movie defines turd Sandwich, it is what gave birth to the
turd sandwich. I can't think of a movie that makes so many good actors
look so very bad and make bad actors (Eric Roberts) look even worse then
they normally do. How could someone put this crap in a theater. It is
pure SH!T. Good for a few laughs maybe but other then that it's quite
possibly be a turd in the form of movie. Any thoughts?

"...the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him" - Marv


I think this movie is well worth watching, the only scene that is BAD, is when ned and ray are on the bridge in bogota, apart from that it is a good action movie, for fans of stallone/stone. I dont think its the worst film I ever saw anyways, dont be so harsh!!


This movie is not that good but you have to give it some credit. I doubt you could come up with something other than a porno movie


Any thoughts? Yah i know what you like to eat. You talk about it enough.
