MovieChat Forums > The Specialist (1994) Discussion > Why did they kill... SPOILER

Why did they kill... SPOILER

Why were May's parents killed? I don't know if it wasn't mentioned or if I missed something. Thanks.

I've always wanted to be a June Bride...


I think May's dad had links with the underworld himself or didnt return know...stuff like that, but it's kind of understod he had interactions withthe mob which led to it....


I thought it was because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He saw something he wasn't supposed to.


I kind of wondered that myself like why were they executed. They never really touched on that, just focused on May wanting payback for her parents death. Here are some possibilities:

1. May's dad could've had ties to the Leon family as a politician or maybe he didn't. They could have wanted him to do something crooked, but he refused and so they had him and his wife Alice executed for it.

2. May's dad could've been skimming from the mob if he was on their payroll and as we all know, in the mob world, that's a big no-no and they don't treat something like that with just a slap on the wrist.

3. Or the parents were in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw or heard something they weren't suppose to see or hear (plans for an execution or witnesses to an execution). They probably got put into witness protection but since the law is under Leon's thumb, someone sold them out and May had to witness her parent's deaths as a result.

As I said, there could have been a number of reasons, but those reasons don't get touched on in the movie. Maybe they did and they decided to cut those scenes for time constraint. Hopefully if it gets a special edition release one day, the deleted scenes will find their way there.


I doubt it was just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, because it didn't take two seconds for either Tomas or Joe Leon to recognize the name of May or her parents. There were immediate looks of recognition, panic (Tomas) and understanding (Leon).
