
Sly. Woods. Stone. ROD. AND THE SOUND TRACK!

This movie is a joke, but on some Verhoven levels in many ways.

I think its a hidden gem of a flick.

Kill Them, Kill Them All!

Flames or thoughts welcome.


You forgot Eric Roberts. Roberts & Woods stole more or less all the scenes they were involved in.


a piece of crap movie like this should be appreciated by people who make no sense. i think the cat was the best actor.


I love this movie. Despite it being slowly paced with very few action scenes it still entertains the hell out of me. The cast and score is what makes this movie.


Underrated? Well, I might agree that there are moments in the film that aren't quite as idiotic as most other moments... so, yeah, sure. The film IS strictly for the braindead to take seriously though. And there are some really, really funny scenes... like the one when James Woods keeps screaming in the police station with Mr Stallion on the line. Outstandingly entertaining sh-t right there.

Whoever wrote the script though (if it indeed had a script), most certainly wasn't entirely "there" in the head though. I mean, a congregation of baboons could have come up with a more sound storyline. Maybe they did.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
