Question about curse

Does anyone know which is the curse that Joe Leon said, in Italian language, when he opened the booby-trapped pendant?


I think the excat term was "JUO B*STARDO"


My girlfriend and I say that to each other all the time when we are mock-fighting: "Jou Bastardo!!"


i believe it was "you bastardo", since he was thanking god at first assuming stone's character was dead. right after he knew he'd been had, he called god "you bastardo" (you bastard in spanglish) because he god tricked him.


Vice-l is right on the money.


Yep, he just finished saying "jou are a good God, thank you" (you know, he's doing the whole "English is my second language" thing). Then he sees a picture of may and family and hears the thing beep and he realizes he's about to be blown to smithereens and curses the same God he just said was good. "Jou bastard!"


Always thought the old guy was doing a really bad Al Pacino "Scarface" impression throughout the movie...

