Pretty Nice Movie

I think this movie is a bit onderrated. I mean, the story is not very good, but it's still good entertainment with a great cast.


I've gotta admit, as silly as the movie is, I can't help but enjoy it, it's extremely entertaining to me!

James Woods was fantastic, and the quiet anger of Stallone is actually as good as he's ever been.

Sharon Stone is apparently doing a study in "avenging my father's death" theme ( see The Quick and the Dead), but she's not bad as the glamour wannabe trashy chick), she crosses over so smoothly.


I agree; its brainless yet still entertaining!
Stallones not bad and Stone also fits the part well.


i think the movies is stupid, way too cheesy , it was like watching a eighties movie made in the nineties. special effects pretty lame . hard to believe this came out the same time as true lies. woods was funny though.but still stupid. B

Blown Away was't too bad.

Cliffhanger, was way better, so is most of arnies movies.



It's a good action movie. Very entertaining.

However, I didn't quite like the scene at the last bit where Sharon Stone's character GASPS everytime there was an explosion. Her expression in that scene wasn't very well acted and not convincing.
Overall it was just rather corny that she would do that often after every explosion.
Usually after the first two or three explosion, her character would have gotten used to it, and would no longer be surprised by a sudden explosion.

Also, the old Crime Boss.. was he supposed to be a "hated" character?
There wasn't enough about the character to hate him. Yes he did admit to ordering the hit, but his overall personality in the movie was pleasant and amusing.

Still a good movie nevertheless.


Yeah, I found those gasps by Sharon really annoying too. Even though it wasn't the BEST movies ever made, it still appeals to me. I thought the explosion scenes were great, and the movie took place in Miami so that was even better.



This Movie was like trying to makea sexy underwrold crime thriller mixed with an explosive action flick.


yeah and i think a bit of sh 1t got mixed in aswell


I thought it was good movie, nowhere near Stallone or Stone's best.

James Woods stole the show as the maniac. :)
Eric Roberts is at his best when he plays sleaze-balls.

The Stallone/Stone love scene was enough. I could have done without it.



James Woods rules in this movie


p yes I have to agree this is very good movie they puted James Woods into smart character in this movie he would like leav bombs all over places to the people he wanted to kill but they could never kill him or capture him ya well lets because he was to smart for that but I farely enjoyed this movie its a good movie for action yep its one of my favorite movies it rocks.


Indeed James Woods owns everyone. I always remember the elevator scene, the one with 'get a new jacket!'... Awesome!



you said bad movie, but the sex was good. Maybe you should just watch sex movies and then you could become a sex movie critic! It was a decent movie.


It was an entertaining movie.The sex scene was great = )


