Sequel mythology

If the reports and claims are true and a Stargate film sequel really is to happen, and it will focus on a different mythology from Egyptian (with the third movie apparently tying all these mythologies together), then what mythology do you think it might be?

Possibly Greco-Roman, Mayan (crystal skulls perhaps?), Atlantis, or Arthurian legend?

I live for two things. 1-science fiction. 2-reruns.


Uh... yeah... are you being sarcastic or are you really that daft?



"IF the REPORTS and CLAIMS are true and a Stargate film sequel REALLY IS to happen"

It's not like I said "wow cool new stargate movie cant wait itll be awesome!!1"

Ok, so the movie probably won't happen, but what's daft about asking for a little creative speculation?

I live for two things. 1-science fiction. 2-reruns.


by - kojiro_chan on Wed Jul 30 2008 20:57:39
Uh... yeah... are you being sarcastic or are you really that daft?


How did you manage to not notice the blatant use of language to indicate that the OP was speculating on speculation, and not indicating that his speculation is fact?

I miss my donkey
"...I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I *will* end you."



You know what? For once, just ONCE, I would like to click on an interesting topic on these forums and not see some sarcastic asswipe weigh it down with his randomly placed jabs/insults at other people. I swear to God, it's almost as if there are some people in this world who NEED the internet to be the complete JERKS they wish they had the balls to be in the offline world. It's like a mental cleansing at therapy for them or something.

Seriously. If you don't like a topic that someone started? Then simply look the other way and don't post anything about it. Keep your smart ass jabs to yourself and let people who ARE interested in sharing their opinion of the topic at hand RESPECTFULLY with one another, actually DISCUSS it without having to defend the topic creator or anybody else therein.


Your idea sounds awesome. I'd love to see another film. TWO more films would be a real treat for the fans of the original movie.


The storyline was going to be that 12 years had passed since the Abydos mission and then Daniel finds something out

that's all i got- but twelve years had passed on Abydos

i suck at thinking up bad guys and conflicts- what would be a good conflict to have Earth or Dr Jackson contacting again?




Spread that magyk cosmic dust, Ô ye fierce Angel of truth & wisdom...

AnyHoooo... 5 Stars 4 this Grand idea & fun filled game of speculation and fantasizing on this supremely awesome flick...

Hmmmm, let's see...I'm actually going to take a small bitty part of a page from the original Battlestar Galactica's opening title, when those beautiful special effects of cosmic & galactic colorful phenomenon are shown every 5 seconds for more than a minute, as a rich deep mysterious voice expounds on all the possible races that could have been originally inspired & informed by contact & help from the People of the 13th Tribe..& Battlestar Galactica (Eventually) The voice says: "There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians or the Toltec or the Mayans that they may have been the architects of the great Pyramids or the lost civilizations of Lemuria or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be Brothers of Man who even now fight to survive somewhere beyond the Heavens!"

All of the above mentioned civilizations & rich mythologies could be useful tools to springboard a variety of arching storylines.

I'm with using The Incas & Toltec myself, using the controversial theory that one day, whole tribes of ( I believe it was) suddenly and mysteriously disappeared¸

As time went by, there's plenty of potential material for stories when two or more of the Ancient Earth races' descendants (turned into Goâ-uold lords or even the Tokra...such rich pickings...

Walking into & thru my stargate now: destination...None Of Your (Frakkin') Business!

All the best!


I beleive if a movie about Stargate was done, will be based on Stargate SG-1 (the series), for obvious and comercial reasons. However, we never known, maybe someone surprise me.


Actually what I have is exactly contrary to this.

commercial reasons? are you kidding? just because the show was on the air for 10 seasons + 4 atlantis + 2 dvds does NOTTT mean that it was a "money maker"

notice how craptastic the writing and budget was in the last 2 seasons? that is entirely due the fact that it was the FANS (and only the fans) that literally begged for more SG-1.

they measured the fanbase and thought up a measly budget that would allow them to make a profit, and they barely did.

notice how both films are essentially episodes of the show? same sets. same actors. same writers. saves em a lot of money

another point:

the show's fanbase is tiny compared to what is neccessary for a successful theatrical release.

the biggest problem is that a SUCCESSFUL theatrical release would absolutely require that the plot and subject be dumbed down for a regular audience. this would, inevitably, anger the fans for obvious reasons (these are some of the grimiest stereotype fanbois on the planet)

you would (probably not) be surprised to hear that when WORD of non-canon crap (see Incredible Hulk 1) makes it out on the internet before the film comes out, it destroys a film.

therefore the only logical choice, indeed the only OBVIOUS choice, would be to make the film, at minimum, unrelated to film. perhaps canon in a very obscure way but certainly in no way shape or form a direct spin-off of the show. it is very doubtful that they would even consider hiring any of the show's actors.

IF it ever gets made (highly doubtful) it will likely be a sequel to the original film in the sense that THOSE events will be referenced, although it will doubtlessly be a complete reboot of the film concept given the length of the hiatus.


The Stargate franchise most certainly IS a money maker, in fact it's MGM's second biggest money maker next to the Bond franchise. As for a theatrical film, MGM would have made one already within the SG-1 canon if it hadn't been for a clause in the contract they signed with Devlin/Emmerich that gives then first dibs on it. That needs to be worked out before they can move forward, because they sure as hell will never let them do their sequels.


no, Devlin/Emmerich were sued for plagiarism, which put the kibosh on the planned movie trilogy-they settled out of court


(I know mega necro bump, but anyways...)

You are right ab out the last two or so seasons of SG-1 being crap, but have to admit that seasons 2-6 are some of the best sci ever made. Tying all the ancient cultures together and relating them back to ancients. Good stuff.

The obvious solution to a non SG-1 movie would be a prequel. Either show what happened to the Ancients, why they built the stargate network and all that.


chefgroovy - looks like multiple responses from you in this board (on the original stargate movie) are about sg1 (not the original movie), if you haven't come across it yet, check it out:
(the sg1 board... lots of good topics there)
there are also threads on the sg1 board about the last couple/few seasons of sg1, some people loving it, some people not liking it, and the other seasons/etc. Same with cultures/mythos in the SG1 show specifically, topics on that.
This is sequel-mythology re: sg94 specifically (the original movie).

"It is a difference of opinion which does not admit of proof." - Jane Austen



I beleive if a movie about Stargate was done, will be based on Stargate SG-1 (the series), for obvious and comercial reasons. However, we never known, maybe someone surprise me.

I hope not. I think the series is lame while the movie is brilliant.



Here's the question ...

The four sequel novels by Bill McCay were based on notes from Dean Devlin. So, are they still going to follow those notes, or will they push them aside and do something completely new?


they should push the McCay's novel aside and do something new.

but that would probably never happen since the sequel will never be done

that said- What would happen during those twelve years?



Sure, longest running American scifi EVER, but it sucks..; *rolleyes*


NEVER OVERESTIMATE the intelligence of the TV viewing public



If the reports and claims are true and a Stargate film sequel really is to happen, and it will focus on a different mythology from Egyptian (with the third movie apparently tying all these mythologies together), then what mythology do you think it might be?

Possibly Greco-Roman, Mayan (crystal skulls perhaps?), Atlantis, or Arthurian legend?

Hard to say since Devlin and Emmerich are keeping their possible outlined sequel idea concepts to themselves, smartly! since MGM *jacked* them the last time they had something sweet.

I'd love to see; Aztec, Mayan, Norse legends come to life in the Stargate sequels myself. Should Emmerich and Devlin go there. But if they want to do something thats hasn't been done as much in terms of exaggerating ancient human mythology. I'd like to see some of the legends surrounding mythological continents like Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis last, since its the one most heavily done in science fiction fantasy films etc.

And the first sequel would be bound to cover the remaining Egpytian lore with Hathor as they kinda mapped out with Bill McCay and their sequel novels.

But Mu would be great to see done. As there are pictures of underwater structures lying off the coast of Japan that prove somewhat Mu may have indeed existed over several thousand years ago. Moreso than most of the other legends like Atlantis perhaps?

Lost Continent of Mu

The mystery of Yonaguni underwater structure01

The Real Lost Continent of MU, Lemuria

Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind's Motherland [12/21]

ST4 Reviews ROTF


MGM own the rights to the franchise. They don't want to make Devlin's film. It's unlikely they ever will.


And isn't that the REAL crime here?

Then again with several TV movies under their belt, SG1 or Atlantis isn't getting a theatrical movie any time soon neither. And thats the path most take once they go the TV movie route after the series.

There isn't a big push for the SG1 TV series to have theatrical movies, why? Cos Devlin and Emmerich kinda got their paws on some *loophole* thats says they want their film sequels. They maynot get'em now per se, but i know SG1 or Atlantis ain't getting any theatrical big screen movies neither!

Would've happened by now if that were the case? don't ya think?!

Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner's SG1 TV opus was meant for television and its staying that way, despite anything what you might've heard to the contray!


Destiny Found


Yes, SG-1 and Atlantis won't be seeing movies because Devlin has a clause in which he gets 'first dips' so to speak on a theatrical movie, though I'm not sure what that has to do with anything I said. I never mentioned SG-1 or Atlantis movies once...


There isn't a big push for the SG1 TV series to have theatrical movies, why? Cos Devlin and Emmerich kinda got their paws on some *loophole* thats says they want their film sequels. They maynot get'em now per se, but i know SG1 or Atlantis ain't getting any theatrical big screen movies neither!

Yes, SG-1 and Atlantis won't be seeing movies because Devlin has a clause in which he gets 'first dips' so to speak on a theatrical movie,

Where did you read or hear that? I just got curious because everything I read related to the SG-1 and Atlantis movies being canceled or postponed pointed to it being because of not enough money to produce them.

I'm a fan of the TV series but I will be the first to cheer if they get rid of Brad Wright, Robert Cooper, Mallozzi and Peter DeLuise. These four should not be allowed to go near any future Stargate projects, be they related to SG-1 and SGA or not.



It certainly has to do with that you said up above indeed!

MGM own the rights to the franchise. They don't want to make Devlin's film. It's unlikely they ever will.

You didn't need to say or outline it perfectly, but with all that in mind then. Its unlikely those supporting SG1 and Atlantis (no chance Universe will be adapted? with its struggling ratings) hardcore style will see the TV versions on ther big screen.

And you can't tell me that, thats what they're after at the end of the day?

If as you HAVE said, Devlin and Emmerich get first *dips* but MGM are too choked up with their oversized "egos" then what chance do SG1 and Atlantis supporters have of seeing the TV incarnations going theatrical? None since those who have first dips can't or won't be allowed to go first by MGM's stupidity, hence it has to be blatantly said; "outright" so everything is clearly understood, o.k.

Hope all that now confirmed for the benefit of everybody!

You didn't raise it personally per se, but its a point on the same subject matter i thought needed clarification, since SG1 and Atlantis fans come on here harping on about the same thing endlessly (SG1 will go to the big screen etc?).


Destiny Found


I'm a fan of the TV series but I will be the first to cheer if they get rid of Brad Wright, Robert Cooper, Mallozzi and Peter DeLuise. These four should not be allowed to go near any future Stargate projects, be they related to SG-1 and SGA or not.

So agreed!

Far as where did i get my info?

Google up Devlin's interviews over the recent years (far back as 4 to 5 years or so?) where he actually says he had outlined stories to tell for the Stargate sequels and that they were in negotiations to do the sequels in several boardroom meetings with MGM.

Google, quite the powerful tool. Followed by Yahoo!


Destiny Found


Making the Devlin movies and disregarding established canon would destroy the fanbase they've been building for over a decade. Devlins movies might make a bit of money in the short term, but long term it's probably not the best of ideas.


I'd like to see some of the legends surrounding mythological continents like Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis last, since its the one most heavily done in science fiction fantasy films etc.

But they've already done Atlantis so wouldn't doing it again another way ruin the already set up Atlantis franchise?


as long as they dont film them in canada


Personally, I'm a big fan of Norse mythology.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


"but lets face it there are probably more fans of the movie than the shows"




...but more people have seen the movie than seen the tv shows.

Care to provide some statistical evidence from a reliable source of that opinion of yours?

I'm not saying you're right or wrong, though I am saying that you are making an assumption without providing the facts, and so it's just an opinion. I won't argue it with you either, like I said, if you are going to make such a statement as that then you might consider being prepared to back it up with some substantial evidence.

{the_real_professor, formerly known as a_professor.}



Seriously, indeed. Everything you said in the first paragraph of your recent reply is assumption. Tag "perhaps" and "maybe" to what you said and that'll just about sum it up.

It's not a matter of hating on anything, just a matter of providing facts and evidence to a claim. It's not a "hard data for analysis" type thing either. When stating an over-generalized notion of "more people have seen the movie than seen the tv series", that is pure speculation. You're right, it'd have made more since to say "probably", if at least to clarify that you aren't trying to reveal an actual fact but, rather, just your opinion, as you are doing anyway. And yet, then again, you're right, also, in that this is imdb and, really, nobody cares. well, i guess sometimes some of us do but, meh, that's beside the point.

{the_real_professor, formerly known as a_professor.}


How much money did the original film make? I'm sure someone here could figure out how many people watched it in the US and internationally based on ticket prices at the time. & how many people saw the tv show based on Nielsen ratings?

I guess it doesn't include people who have downloaded, pirated, or bought the dvds (bluray) of either film/series.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


I don't think seeing a movie alone automatically makes makes you a fan, I'm fairly confident that the series' have a much larger fanbase than the movie.


And yet the SG1 TV series fans aren't large enough for the studio to automatically turn around and say; Well the series is over time for the movies now!

Oh the TV series has its fan alright, but if they wer truly as many as people claim they are. MGM would've worked out a deal with Devlin and co to do SG1 based movies. Not as if Devlin and Emmerich ever would since MGM originally screwed them over and they've campaigned for 'creator' rights ever since. But lets face it Even SG1 ain't getting their theatrical movies all because of copyright issues.

SG1, Atlantis and Stargate: Universe are all relegated to television, ain't no if's or buts about it. Devlin and Emmerich hold the movie copyrights or some sort of legal loophole. Otherwise SG1 or Atlantis would easily put out their movies already if the demand, fan support was so automatically written on everybody's faces.

SG1 and co have a big fanbase alright, but it can't be as nearly as big as they claim if the theatrical films based on the various Stargate TV series aren't here already!

Harsh but true!


Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel Live


Okay, this is just getting silly.

I have a new signature (a quote). superturbo4, in this particular topic of discussion the quote applies directly to all of the stuff you have been saying. Your "harsh but true" remark draws the line. You have stepped too far.

So, in this instance, the quote in my signature applies directly to you:

"It is a difference of opinion which does not admit of proof." - Jane Austen


Okay, this is just getting silly.

I have a new signature (a quote). superturbo4, in this particular topic of discussion the quote applies directly to all of the stuff you have been saying. Your "harsh but true" remark draws the line. You have stepped too far.

So, in this instance, the quote in my signature applies directly to you:

Oh shut up it applies to no one but butt-hurt idiotic people such as yourself who can't take it, and thus come up with complete 'clap-trap' to state your rather fragile ego. So F **k Jane Austen and whomever believes in that sh&t and tripe.

Its fact and cos you simply can't take it you changed your signature, lol!

And as a matter of fact i've got a quote that applies to you directly or thats attributed from Mark Twain (most of the time); It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt!

I stated clear facts o-lO-o-Ol-o (what kind of username is that anyways?) and they aren't going to change cos your argument was so weak that it has no leg to stand on. Facts are facts learn to deal with them simple enough, its like me saying the sun burns in the centre of our starsystem and the sky around the Earth is blue, it doesn't get to be more factual than that does it!


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


I never said the series has a massive fanbase, only that it has a bigger one than the original movie. Also, movies aren't made on the strength of a franchise fanbase, they're made on brand strength. The reason no subsequent Stargate movies have been made is because Devlin is still holding out on his trilogy, but MGM aren't interested.


The reason no subsequent Stargate movies have been made is because Devlin is still holding out on his trilogy, but MGM aren't interested.

Well tough, cos MGM aren't doing any SG1 movie or spin off movies cos Devlin and Emmerich must still have a loophold that allows them to make the theatrical Stargate movies. I've said it on here countless times, if MGM are so interested in SG1 movies and the series spin offs why no theatrical interest at all considering all those 10 plus years SG1 fans like to brag about?

MGM owns the copyrights right? And yet who's ever heard of a company that doesn't output something that so uber successful on television then?

MGM might not be supportive of Devlin and Emmerich's film version at all, but something tells me they just never had the films copyrights while Devlin and Emmerich do but can't act upon them at all for some bizarre reasonings etc? But the main reason here maybe thats the main reason SG1 and its various spin offs ratings on cable & satellite were indeed respectable, but not serious enough to generate interest for a theatrical movie despite the fanbase that exists for them today. And with the years piling up already since its ended, trust me. They'll be no SG1 or its spin offs getting a movie. But Devlin and Emmerich will eventually make noise with a new movie reboot or long awaited sequels to the 94 Stargate movie. SG1 fans can bitch all they want to but their series isn't going to the big screen (it was always relegated to television anyways) nor will any complaining or online petitions (lol) make a difference when Devlin does get to make his long awaited Stargate sequel movies finally and whatever.

Think J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie and your halfway there as to what will eventually happen one day for a returning Stargate movie on the big screen.


Virtua Fighter 5-FS For X-Box360 Console Sega


Honestly, I find the whole Greo-Romn or Arthurian legend very uninspired, it's too close to our present time, especially the latter. The reason why ancient astronauts worked was because of the many speculation that Egyptian civilization was older than most scientists believe, way before the last Ice Age. Though Mayan is quite recent, their relative isolation from the Old World (Europe & Asia) & it's ties with the Olmecs makes it very intriguing. We hve had very few films on them, I think I'd be interested in the Olmec society, that's supposedly ancient & a parent civilization of the Mayans. tlantis is another interesting storyline, not many movies on them which would be a perfect tie-in for the 2rd movie I think, bridging the gap between Egypt & Meso America.



If sequels to the original film must be made, then they should stick to Egyptian mythology and only Egyptian mythology. There are more than enough gods and stories in the Egyptian mythos to inspire future sequels - there's no need to take on other mythologies. Besides, the whole "aliens is the answer to everything" schtick sucks and the SG-1 continuity already tackled it - remarkably badly, I might add - so I have no desire to see it continued in this branch of the franchise.

Standing there, on a road that leads to anywhere ...


I enjoy Egyptian mythology and if they ever change, Mochica/ Moche Peruvian pharaoh Lord of Sipan and Lord of Sican do share similar outfit and pyramids, ships made of reed, religious system, mummification, etc. It's different from the most known Incas and even resemble the gore of the Mayans. Check documentaries in youtube and google images to acknowledge.
