MovieChat Forums > Stargate (1994) Discussion > Possibly the worst line of dialogue ever...

Possibly the worst line of dialogue ever to survive the editing room.

During the first successful opening of the Stargate after Jackson figures it out one of General West's staff weenies calls down to the control room as the prove is being maneuvered to enter the gate.

Staff Weenie speaking to hired science geek - Record all information from the Stargate

Who wrote this? Who let this make the final cut? What does this line serve? I've never seen a line in a script stand out worse than this. Computers everywhere, some star map thingie and apparently a probe... they'd need to instruct them specifically to not record data.

How many revisions of the script did this survive? Am I dreaming? The excessive gun cocking sounds are nothing compared to this.

I like to get loaded and watch Deadwood.


What does this line serve?

To let the audience know the probe's purpose.

Let's be bad guys.


How could you possible be confused about what a probe does? Why would a staff weenie from upstairs have to tell the scientists to do their jobs? Why wouldn't scientist guy in charge simply say to some other scientists "make sure you record all data" even though its... just the stupidest line ever. Its a probe, we know its a probe, and we can observe them recording data because we have all these fancy displays that show it off. After the probe goes through we see them analyze data from it so any knuckle dragger can figure that out too.

Why not have Daniel to tell Jack he should make sure he's loaded his weapon. That's about as logical and extraneous.


That makes no sense because Daniel is not a military guy.

Look, whether you like it or not, that's what the line is for. Sometimes, things have to be really dumbed down.

Let's be bad guys.


That makes no sense because Daniel is not a military guy.

That's my point. Why would a staff weenie from the military have to tell scientists to do science stuff? They already established that this is actually a science project started outside of the military meaning that the military intervention isn't to tell them to do science stuff but to take over the project and bring guns into what should be probes and data and all that nerd stuff.

Its as logical as Daniel telling Jack to make sure his weapon is loaded.


Like I said: it's for the audience.

Let's be bad guys.


Intending to do something for the audience and it being either necessary or executed in a way that's remotely logical are entirely separate things.


Intending to do something for the audience and it being either necessary or executed in a way that's remotely logical are entirely separate things.

Me telling you its purpose and you thinking it wasn't executed perfectly are entirely separate things.

Let's be bad guys.


Me telling you its purpose and you thinking it wasn't executed perfectly are entirely separate things.

And you telling me its obvious purpose fails to recognize the nature of my criticism which includes the acknowledgement that it was intended to guide the audience but that it was so bad and so unnecessary and so illogical that it should have been seen in editing and cut out like so many things in movies get cut.

At this point I think its clear you're not really arguing the point you're just trying to argue with me because internet.


And you telling me its obvious purpose fails to recognize the nature of my criticism which includes the acknowledgement that it was intended to guide the audience

No, it didn't:

Who wrote this? Who let this make the final cut? What does this line serve?

Please do not lie.

At this point I think its clear you're not really arguing the point you're just trying to argue with me because internet.
Your Reply

It's not my fault I kept having to explain it to you. I don't need to argue the point because it's not up for debate. The line's purpose was to inform the audience. Whether you liked it or not doesn't do anything to change its purpose.

Let's be bad guys.


Yeah, for a long time now, I've felt the screenplay could've gone through another draft or two before filming began to iron out stuff like this.

A Superman without trunks isn't worth watching or reading about.


On TWO occasions the priest gestures to Spader in an obvious "come this way" fashion, and TWICE Spader translates to Kurt Russell, "They want us to go with them!" ---It wants no straps. - Karl


Which had more to do with the nature of the characters than telling the audience what was happening. Spader was very interested in mingling and exploring the local culture while Russel was all about military necessity and clinical appraisal of the situation in a way that has nothing to do with curiosity and anthropology. Remember he's the one who's here to drop a nuke on these people if need be. The arc for Russel's character in the film is really to go from a wounded father who is willing to die into becoming someone who is wililng to fight to survive and to heal his wounds through helping these people (Skaara's character is entirely about Russel confronting his own demons).

Remember how at the pyramid Spader wanted to keep looking around and Russel said they were leaving inside the hour. This is a part of the subtle shift in influence the characters are having. Spader began out of his element on the mission and then came into it when people were met and now rather than Russel being alone in charge Spader is now rises to his level as a leader who can influence what will happen.

Apples to Oranges.


I've heard much worse.


I was actually thinking the same. At least have him say something else, so it doesn't sound as silly.


I remember this! So silly.
