MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > this has better animations than 2000s' a...

this has better animations than 2000s' and 2010s' animated series

i can't believe that in 2000s and 2010s they draw spiderman animated series in POWERPUFF GIRLS style. it looks so stupid.

90s' Spiderman animated series and X-Men animated series' animations are superior and more realistic than 2000s' series.


Another person who throws the word "animation" around with apparently no proper knowledge of what the word entrails.

What you're referring to is the art style. That would be the way the characters are drawn. The actual animation is the way the characters move. This show's art style is more realistic, but it came at a price. The character movement was slow and choppy. It had a heavy overuse of stock footage. Spider-man is also supposed to be one of the most acrobatic superheroes, but in this show he moved as fluidly as a 65 year old wrestler.

When the art is more simple it's much easier to animate the characters. It's helps provide much more fluid character movement and also helps provide much more dynamic action sequences. This is pretty much why the producer of Batman TAS and his team decided to go with more stylized drawings for Superman TAS and Justice League/Unlimited.

And if anyone actually determines the overall quality of a show by mainly the art styles, then it shows they aren't very good critics. That's pretty much the equivalent of saying a bad game with good graphics is better than a good game that has inferior graphics.

It's amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they don't like


When the art is more simple it's much easier to animate the characters

that's what i'm talking about. they don't want to put effort to make the cartoons look realistic and animate characters better at the same time.
when i watch a spiderman cartoon nowadays, i feel like i'm watching POWERPUFF GIRLS. and therefore the "superior" action scenes don't impress me.

to tell the truth, 90s series's animations and action scenes are still better than 2000s'. and the stories as well.


90s series's animations and action scenes are still better than 2000s'.

So you actually prefer action scenes where it mainly consists of grappling, bear hugs, people ramming each other, people throwing each other, light kicks that barely last a minute and where Spider-man for the most part can't take even one hit without being knocked out or too weak to carry on?

It's amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they don't like


He may not have worded it right but I agree, the artistic style of today for shows like this are way to anime influenced.


I agree with the OP. I felt the art work AND the actual fighting was done better than any other Spiderman cartoon that followed it.


The Japanese style is more popular these days.


I've felt this same way for a long time as well. It's just not fair. This show made spider-man my number comic hero when growing up. But no other animated series or even movie has done him justice since. Best cartoon series i've ever watched. And yes the drawing has a big part in people taking it seriously and enjoying it. The drawings these days are a complete joke.


As I've said awhile back, drawings shouldn't determine a show's overall quality. It's one thing to be turned off by a show's visuals, however it's rather shallow for someone say a something like a show sucks just because they don't like it's visuals.

The more realistic the designs are, the slower the actual animation is and the more time it takes to create a frame. And that can actually make for crappy action sequences. Because it's not like that the creators have all the time in the world to make these. I mean when you draw a comic book, you are drawing still images that don't have to move. You can add all the detail you want, as long as you meet your deadline. Animation however doesn't have that luxury. Thousands of cells go into animating a twenty-two minute production. It is a long and grueling process and the schedule is very tight. But if the art is more simplistic, the better the characters move and the action sequences are faster to make and that makes more frames = better action sequences.

I've seen so many ignorant statements made on animation and "today's technology" coming from people who don't seem to know what they're talking about and will call creators "lazy" because the characters aren't drawn like they were in 80s and early to mid 90s cartoons. It's not about being lazy. It's not about "dumbing animation" down. It's about producing the best animation they possibly can on a budget.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


I think after the popularity of the Bruce Timm visual style, cartoon creators figured they could get away with more simplistic art styles. Unfortunately that isn't the case and most of these cartoons just come off as having a visually inferior style (not animation) to Spiderman and XMen TAS.
