MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Annoyed at how they handled Mysterio

Annoyed at how they handled Mysterio

Mysterio has always been one of my favourite classic villains in the Spider-Man comics. He may not share the same deep, tragic storylines that other villains have, but the whole concept behind the character is just so FUN.

In season 1 of this show, we got an amazing introduction to his character, He was voiced by the amazing Gregg Berger, who brought so much life to this faceless character with his ghostly voice that had a bit of a posh-accent behind it, which captured the personality of Mysterio perfectly.
He also had a great script going for him, sometimes speaking in riddles and puns.

As a kid I immediately fell in love with this character and couldn't wait to see more of him beyond season 1... Boy, was I dissapointed...

We get to see him again in the Insidious Six 2-parter, where he barely does anything. In fact, his only purpose in that 2-parter is to give the powerless Spider-Man a way to escape, by having Spider-Man steal his holocubes.

Then we had to wait until the end of season 4 to see him again, and what we got was ANOTHER stupid love-story, which didn't even make sense.

Okay, so Miranda Willson gets injured the same day that Spider-Man captures Quentin for endangering the people on the film set that he was working on... Or was Miranda actually ON that set? They never seemed to explain that.
Nor did they explain how Quentin could find the injured Miranda, when he was supposed to be tied up in web and on his way to the police station at that moment.
And to make it even more confusing, it was revealed that Quentin became Mysterio so he could steal money and pay for the equipment that kept Miranda alive.... Okay... So where does the events of season 1 fit in here?

Later in the episode, we find out that he was also "forced" to use the technology to kill Spider-Man.
Let me get this straight... Mysterio... one of the biggest Spidy-haters in the world had to be FORCED to kill him, because he was more interested in a crippled woman that he had never met or mentioned before?
And then he even HELPS Spider-Man defeat the machines he created to kill. And why does he do that? "He had his reasons"... Ummmm. okay...

And to end the episode, we get to see Mysterio, a classic Spider-Man villain, die in an explosion with a woman who didn't even love him at all.

Am I the only one who got annoyed at how they handled this character?


I'm annoyed at how we barely even saw Mysterio to begin with. Hell we barely saw Norman Osborn's Green Goblin, Venom, Hobgoblin and Vulture. The former two being two of Spidey's top foes. Morbius(a C-list villain) had more exposure than them. By season 2, Morbius would have already made more appearances than Green Goblin and Venom would ever do throughout the entire series.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


KCJ506 posted

I'm annoyed at how we barely even saw Mysterio to begin with. Hell we barely saw Norman Osborn's Green Goblin, Venom, Hobgoblin and Vulture. The former two being two of Spidey's top foes. Morbius(a C-list villain) had more exposure than them. By season 2, Morbius would have already made more appearances than Green Goblin and Venom would ever do throughout the entire series.

I'm in the minority but I didn't mind them using less popular villains like Morbious over more well known ones. To be fair we did have Norman Osborn/Green Goblin in the Spider-Man and his Amazing friends. It would've been nice to see more of them though. But you can only do so much. I will say I'd rather have had more of Harry Osborn being manipulated by his father from another dimension than have that stupid episode where Kraven's girlfriend becomes a monster or that stupid forced clone saga episode where it's revealed that Mary Jane is a clone.

Green Goblin is great!
