MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Question about Michael Morbius ?

Question about Michael Morbius ?

What is the name of the episode where he like get's turned into a Vampire---and what is the name of the bat that turn's him into one with the experiment ? ? ?

Tik tok baby life is a race just make sure don't make a pit stop !!! :P


The name of that episode is simply called "Morbius" It is from season 2 and the episode 6. One of my favorites, I hope that helps :) Laters!


Season 2 episode 6. Titled "Morbius."

The story arc stretches for five episodes. Morbius, Enter the Punisher, Duel of the Hunters, Blade The vampire Hunter, The Immortal Vampire.

Then the story gets closure with two more episodes in season 4. Awakening and Vampire Queen.

Morbius gets one last brief appearance in season 5 but his story is pretty much done.

The method by which he becomes a vampire is a bit odd in this version.

Morbius was studying vampire bats and one got loose while he was exposing a sample of Spider-man's blood to a neogenetic recombinator device. The sample was unstable as Spider-man was (at that point in the series) fluctuating between being more spider-like or not having his powers at all and the serum that Doctor Crawford had given him to treat the condition would have a very adverse reaction (temporarily turning him into a man spider).

The bat started to lap at Spider-man's blood which was directly under the recombinator beam. Both the blood and bat were irradiated. Morbius tried to swat the bat away as the bat lapped at the blood, thus getting himself hit by the beam and at that exact moment the bat bit his hand.

So it was a combination of Spider-man's unstable blood, a vampire bat bite, and radiation from the neogenic recombinator which somehow rendered him an immortal vampire with a psychic link to the more supernatural ones (confirmed in season 4 episode Vampire Queen).
