MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Mary Jane Watson and season 5

Mary Jane Watson and season 5

''If you couldn't do it correctly,you shouldnt've done it at all'' -quote from Aquaman in season 5, episode 7. my sentiments exactly. However the soul of each human,the spirit consciousness chooses to inhabit the cloned bodies,and simply takes the emotional experiences and memory bank of the ''original'' lifetime into the new body. For the memories and emotions from experiences that the soul has lived through as the original person do not get erased with the death of the body,because it is the soul consciousness in its magnetic core that stores them still.

So when the clones die,the soul still will keep all the experiences,and seeing as in this cartoons case it was the same soul aspects of the originals inhabiting the cloned bodies,then the memories of the lifetime as a clone will go back and be stored in the akashic records of the same soul as the original lifetime experiences were stored in/with. For those of you who may not believe in soul consciousness, you will find this out in due course as is required by your own soul to experience this realization.

Having said all that, I cried my eyes out when Mary Jane disintegrated. Oh,and the soul has many layers to it,it is multilayered,not only multidimensional. A soul has many different soul aspects,and the same soul aspect can inhabit multiple bodies at the same time. Since ''time'' as humanity knows it is also only a 3dimensional construct and the soul is beyond the 3rd dimension and not limited to this reality dimension,then the ''same time'' notion is also irrelevant here.

The actress who voiced MJ did such a wonderful job that I,not only as a child,but now as an adult, cried my eyes out and had so much heartache when Mary Jane disintegrated(clone or not,besides,in this case her clone had the same soul essence,because a soul can occupy several bodies at the same time if it decides to do so for lessons needed in physicality lives)

I found myself falling in love with her just like Peter. So thank you Sara Ballantine, I cried my eyes out with the last phrases she had for her ''Tiger'',and felt broken,just like Peter.

This speaks volumes of her great work.coupled with the animation, she was nuanced enough to not be one-dimensional,and I could relate to her and some others as actual humans,multi-layered people. I even saw a soul in the eyes of MJ,despite her being animated. This is more praise to Sara who helped make MJ come to life they way she did.

I hope Peter found her with Madam Web and they lived happily forever.

Empathy,true soul connection,when applied, makes one realize that All That Is is fused by God Divine Consciousness, nothing is separate of it,for all souls and all of existence are parts of the Divine Consciousness of God. God is not an antropomorphized entity,but everyone and everything are divine and equal parts of the expression of God,which has sent itself out as fragments to learn about itself and grow from it,to become self-aware in itself...through ALL US and all sentient consciousness in existence. All-That-Is,all the Multiverse is Gods creation,created from within itself.

May God embrace the parts of it that are all you reading this and of course the animated people of the Spider-Man Universe. Spidey might be a fictional character in our parallel Universe reality,but he is as real as we are,in truth,in God infinite creation. God can fuse and energize any creation/part of itself WITH ITSELF,making it come to life,and Peter Parker is no different, just like it was hinted at in the very last episode,where Spidey visited Stan Lee.


Yeah. Honestly I think they should've left the clone saga out of this show. It was much better done in the comics but only the 70s one. The 90s clone saga was a convoluted mess.

"You know Parker, I don't think I've made you suffer enough." Green Goblin Spidey TAS


lol, Aquaman

That awkward moment when you think someone's signature is apart of the post.
