MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Watched Entire Series on Netflix

Watched Entire Series on Netflix

Season 5 ruined it.


I just did the same. I like season 5 a lot, it went into some weird places but I enjoyed it a lot. However what I didn't like was all the setup it had for another season that it never got. I mean common.....Spoiler...

Do we really not find MJ? They spent so much time on that story for zero payoff.


I thought the "payoff" scene was intended to be the Uncle Ben scene, which in fairness was pretty good. I do agree that it is pretty unforgivable to just end the show without Mary Jane ever being found. I think that was my problem with season 5, there was too little focus on Parker and too much focus on Spiderman. It ended up reminding me more of DragonBall Z where entire episodes just ended up being battles with little character development or plot.


I myself would've had the last 2 episodes be about finding Mary Jane than the convoluted clone saga.

"You know Parker, I don't think I've made you suffer enough." Green Goblin Spidey TAS


I for one don't agree with season 5 being bad at all.. its as good as any season for me, and i have loved this show since i was 4 years old, i get that people think this was built up to much and it went into weird places but i still enjoy it very much :) and i dont really get the hate even though i understand what people felt was missing out and all but as i said still great episodes
