MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Least Favorite Episodes

Least Favorite Episodes

My picks:

Tablet Of Time
Ravages Of Time
The Lizard King


Seriously? You didn't like Tablet of time, Tombstone, and Guilty?
My least favorite would have to be the one where it turns out that Mary Jane is a clone made with Hydro man's DNA. That was so stupid! What made Miles Warren think that was a good idea? So stupid! Also Spider Wars although I do like them a little bit it would've been better if the last 2 episodes involved going to the dimension that the original Mary Jane was at and fighting a villain there.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


Yeah I thought those episodes were boring and the villains were lame

I forgot about that Hydro-Man MJ clone episode. Sorry. That too was a bummer. It started out ok until you saw MJ turn in to water at the end


from what I hated most to least:

-The Lizard King:
This episode is "part 2" of a storyline that has nothing to do with the first half (Haunting of MJ). It has MJ jump off a cliff after Peter proposes to her, to "prove he'll always be there for her" which is really messed up. And the whole premise reminded me of something out of Ninja Turtles. C'mon...a whole society of Lizard people living in the sewers? and why do all of their lizard warriors look like ancient chinese warriors??

-The Wedding:
I hate this episode because it's basically a big, pointless romp of random villains on Peters and MJs big day. Harry as GG should've been the only villain in this episode, but instead we get Scorpion (who gets a whole intro segment!), Smythe, a dozen "Robo-Goblin Warriors", and Kingpin using the Mega-Slayer. It had some fun action I guess, but this should've been way better.

-The Haunting of MJ:
The beginning of this episode is good (fight with Mysterio), and then they introduce probably the dumbest villain of the show: Miranda Wilson. She fell off a bridge, got a scar of some sort, and then...turned into a cyborg? Oooookay. So, Mysterio falls in love with this weirdo, and when she finds out she can't put her brain into MJ, she blows the place up, along with Mysterio, who is ok with it. What is it with this "2-parter" and saying "it's ok to commit suicide as long as you're with the one you love?"

I actually liked the clone episodes. It wasn't convoluted like the comic series was, and it was actually one of the most depressing episodes in the show (Peter gets MJ back, only to lose her again right in front of his eyes, as both are helpless to do anything. It's super depressing, but I love it because it captures the characters tragedy so well)


Agree with for my least favorite episodes?:

Season 5.


I agree with you the Wedding I think was the worst episode ever. When you think of what a great character Harry was in the comics and how intense the feud between was between them in the comics and how pathetic a version of that story that was . Harry was a whiny little bitch who used those "Robo-Goblin Warriors" (really imaginative name there smythe) and the scorpion (couldn't see the point of him in that episode) to trash Peter and MJ's wedding and that bit where he went "Exceeeelllllent" he sounded like a *beep* version of Mr Burns.

I also agree about the other two episodes, that bit in the Lizard king where Mj jumps off the building is the most retarded scene in any episode of any programme. Imagine if he didn't catch her there how humiliating a death would that have been, compared to Gwen Stacey.


I loved Tablet of Time at that age, it was a bit outlandish wth Silvermaine getting younger and finally becoming a baby, but hey, it was cool, and it had Smythe's giant robot too. Now it's not so impresive, but I can't really hate it. Best cliffhanger ever with Tombstone trapping Spidey.

Season 5 is a mixed bag, I liked the Six Forgotten Warriros and I'm not even American, but most of the Isidious Six were used simply as henchmen for the Kingpin, barely speaking a few lines during all the episodes...again. And it seemed to be a Spider-Man/Captain America crossover, just not Spidey's show at times. Same with the Secret Wars.

The one with The Vampire Queen, they really dragged on the whole vampire saga here. The Lizard King was silly, The Prowler was simply filler and not a real finale.

Rocket Racer could've been okay if they didn't use The Big Whell, stupid villain in my opinion.

The Spot had a reason to be, to get the dimensional portals into play, so I'll let it be.

Partners was a big mess, I always like Black Cat teaming with Spidey, but it was never explained how Scorpion got the Vulture and how he was cured from Spidey's mutation and how come he's changing ages, how Scorpie got a girlfriend out of nowhere and wanted to marry her, and that's not all.

Don't get me wrong, I love this series. But we have to admit not every episode was that great.


I agree with you and it could had been more better without all of the censorship


Even with censorship I loved it as a kid and now I still do. I like the art style better than Spectacular Spider-Man, and the Venom saga. There were some episodes of exceptional quailty visually speaking most in the first season.

Christopher Daniel Barnes will always be the true Spidey voice for me.


The Lizard King
The Prowler
The Vampire Queen
Rocket Racer
The Return of Hydro-Man parts 1 and 2


I always thought the dude in the giant wheel riding up and down buildings was supposed to be the worst. I mean... wasn't there some law or something put into place about that episode?


LOL yeah I hear you and the actual name for the villain you described is just called "The Big Wheel"


Even in text form, that sounds awful.



Oh and don't forget about The Spot. Yet another pathetic villain


I always thought Rocket Racer was the absolute worst. I also thought Guilty was pretty bad (I mean Jigsaw Jameson, REALLY?). But as far people hatin on The Spot and The Lizard King, as bad as the episodes were, they were actually needed. The Spot for the general fact that the portals played a huge role in the series.

And The Lizard King for a few reasons. First Peter finally revealing to MJ he's Spiderman and proposing to her. the second is this episode really showed alot of character for MJ showing how much she loved and is dedicated to Peter by helping him even though he forbid her to get involved and that she knew she could get harmed and in the end after the whole ordeal was over she still decided to stay with him. And of course the final reason was Dr. Connors finally being cured of his Lizard disease (well, atleast until The Secret Wars).

Oh yeah, and The Return of Hydro-Man 1 & 2 as well. I remember watching the premiere of these episodes as a kid as a primetime special. Thought it was actually pretty sweet until MJ shot water at the end. I was like WTF?


I forgot this but I hate that they changed Aunt May's voice actress in the last season. I didn't like the way the replacement voice actress sounded.


I didn't like the new Aunt May either. Something about how she said things really weirdly "oooooh, Mary Jane ist home!"

I like almost all of them but My least favorite episodes would be all the Morbius ones, Rocket Racer, and I was never really too wild about the Venom Returns/Carnage story. But almost all of my problems are due to the bad animation; if they had all looked like the first season/TMS animated, then I'd be okay with it. There was no saving all the annoying Morbius crap though, we got EIGHT full episodes with him??


I didn't mind Morbious but yeah. It would have been better if they could have had some other villain besides him.
