MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1994) Discussion > Why Did Anna Watson Hate Peter So Much?

Why Did Anna Watson Hate Peter So Much?

Peter is such a sweet and caring guy and every time you see Anna with Peter, she puts him down. Why? And if I were Peter, even though they say respect your elders, I would tell Anna to shut the hell up and I'm dating your niece whether you like it or not


Mystique1985...I will tell you what my father told me...

...bitches be crazy!




It's stupid. In the comics Anna Watson and Peter get along great. It's so stupid she doesn't like him in this show. Maybe John Semper had a girlfriend who had a Mom who hated him.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


Right. Also, Anan looks different in the comics. She has short white hair and is a little bit overweight in her 60's


Actually, John Semper admited on the Marvel Animation Forum that this was true.

As to why she hates Peter so much? She's just poorly written, that's all. ;)


I would say, look at it from Anna's perspective. Her niece, Mary Jane, is constantly stood up by Peter (going off and being Spider-Man and all). If you were a parent, and your kid kept getting stood-up/mistreated by their boy/girl friend, you'd tend to not like that person either. She also saw how much stress Peter put her best friend May through.

As viewers, we know how sweet and caring Peter is, but from Anna's perspective, his actions don't really show that.
