MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Anyone else think the writers overused t...

Anyone else think the writers overused the phrase


It was the excuse for everything.

How about an anomaly in SPACE.

other phrases.

But I'm binge watching and jeez besides the ship always failing when needed, AND transporter system and communicator failure ALWAYS when things go bad otherwise the ship runs great.

Yeah I know but its just a minor rant.

There are an unlimited amount of things you can do in space so why do they use such lame storyline...THE SHIP HAS BEEN INVADED BY INVISIBLE BEINGS (Or lights)

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Voyager could have been great... but it was plagued by bad writing.

Subspace anomalies, subspace this, subspace that, holodeck malfunctions, Seven will save the day but first she will act suspicious, Chakotay has visions, don't want to be a third nacelle, the powerful Borg who destroyed half the fleet at Wolf 359 are nothing more than the bad guy of the week, exploding computer consoles, Torres is angry ...

The only good thing about this show was The Doctor and Seven. But even they got boring.

I'm just on my way up to Clavius.


Lol Voyager was the best written of all the Star Trek TV series. Every series had a few stinkers mixed in.


No, there are spatial anomalies too.

I do think Voyager had a lot of missed potential. The episode about the invading experimenters could have been done better. Like if they actually beat the aliens rather than scared them off. They could have used that dimensional phasing technology they got from those dinosaur people to enter the alien's phase variance. Instead it ended with Janeway taking a 5% gamble with the lives of the crew. How lame is that? Even agreeing to sacrifice a part of the crew to the experiments would have been a better option than that. And the aliens weren't held responsible for their crimes either. Would have been a good chance to gain some superior medical technology for later episodes.

Basically, Voyager should have become the vanguard of the technological future. They even had holo-emitter tech from the future. So by the time they got back to Earth, Voyager would be the most advanced ship in Starfleet. It was, but only because of future Janeway.


Tachyon this and that was a bit overused, also.


Yeah, it got pretty "tacky" the way they always used it (rimshot).

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THAT was awful...funny but awful. :-)

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Some kind of...


Try sending a feedback pulse through the deflector dish!

If that doesn't work, rotate our shield frequency and invert the shield harmonics!


Evasive maneuvers? That's why you're the captain, Captain.


It would make an excellent drinking game.
