MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Voyager (1995) Discussion > Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Janeway sti...

Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Janeway still feels relevant 25 years later

Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway "remains beloved by many Trek fans, particularly women," says Madeleine Clark. "Other elements of the show might feel dated, but she doesn’t."


I don't remember it being such a big deal in the day. The writers need to be complimented that they never made it an issue. Janeway was the captain and that was that.


Even back then people called it "Politically Correct Star Trek"


I don't remember that. I do remember that it got some publicity but it was hardly controversial.


It was ahead of it's time, I guess, but it also had the first Korean, Native American, and Black male on it's bridge crew. And the Engineer's name even sounded Hispanic!


Actually, it's the only show that still looks slick and futuristic. The other shows look dated. Voyager's grey colour scheme makes it still look fresh like it was made yesterday.


I have been watching Enterprise ( for the first time ) and I enjoy it's "low tech" look.


I was about half a fan of Janeway. I couldn't stand her at times. She was a good captain overall. But the show really belonged to Seven of Nine's hot body in a skin tight suit.


She was okay, but always sounded pretty phony.


Couldn't agree less. Not one ST show producer has yet taken the chance of making a female commander a competent leader AND still be feminine. Janeway was butch as hell. She had a penchant for ego-driven recklessness. A prime example was "Equinox" season 5 & 6 ep. 26 and 1.

It was Chakotay who played the classically feminine role. Supportive, patient, a calm voice of reason, nearly always advocating a non-violent approach.

It's a lazy writing tool to have a female leader adopt typical male mannerisms in order to fill a typically male role.

If you have a problem taking orders from someone wearing pink bunny slippers, the problem is you.
