MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > Does anybody really want a reboot?

Does anybody really want a reboot?

I keep hearing a Reboot being made and do fans really want this? I mean what's wrong with the old stuff? Why can't we just have that? Why does everything have to be rebooted? Hercules and Xena were fun and cheesy. We don't need to Reboot it. I would rather have a continuation in the regular Continuity.


I support the reboot mostly for name value right now.


I don't know it just seems kind of pointless. I am worried that they will make it a political agenda show and care more about that then the story.


I'm looking forward to it. If it sucks, then it sucks. If it's enjoyable, then I have two Xenas! :-D

Stories have been retold/rebooted since stories started. Xena being rebooted shows how important, how worthwhile, the original was. Imagine people retelling Xena stories a hundred years from now, a thousand years from now?

Captain Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Isn't the reboot dead. No news in a long long time. It didn't go beyond a script order. Doesn't take nearly 2 years to get going. The news came out in mid 2015 that it was being developed.


If you google it, the latest news about it seems to be August 2016. It does seem to be all talk and no action though.

Captain Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


The latest news seems to be March 2016. The reboot's writer/co-executive producer Javier Grillo-Marxuach wrote on his Tumblr page that Xena and Gabrielle would be a couple, and the reboot would be about courage, redemption, ass-kicking, Ancient Greece, scrolls, quarterstaffs, and the greater good… Since that moment, there've been rumors and opinions only.

In August 2016 Lawless said in an interview that a black lesbian Xena would be cool. And she wanted Xena and Gabrielle to be an interracial couple… It's all good, but I don't think it should be considered news. Just her opinion, because it ain't down to her, she's not involved, and she has NO say on the reboot.

In September 2016 Grillo-Marxuach wrote he was dying to have something to report, but needed to keep the confidences of his network, studio and production partners. He also added that they were very much alive, the script was very much in progress, and he was very proud of the work… In other words, he had nothing to report. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Since then - crickets.


Oops. I just did a quick search without looking much before. LOL.


Reboots of anything is never a good idea.
