MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > Just starting this show and i'm curious....

Just starting this show and i'm curious...

Does Xena ever lose any fights? I'm enjoying the show so far and this doesn't really matter, just wondering, is there any character who ends up beating her in a fight and then she doesn't end up beating them back at the end? Are there any warriors in this universe on or above her level in terms of strength or ability?


Yes in Season 4 she lost a fight to psychopathic Najara in the episode "Crusader" and in her first episodes of Hercules The Legendary Journeys in the second episode of the Xena Trilogy episode called The Gauntlet in her fight with Hercules she lost it against Hercules.

But that's all I can think of


I forgot to mention in the Season 4 episode "Ides Of March" she gets hit with her own chakram in the back of her spine by her arch nemesis Callisto


Hello, everybody!

I also believe two other instances that show us Xena being butt-kicked, although, in these cases, she ultimately paid back the favor.

"Destiny" (Season 2 Episode 12)
Xena has a pirate ship (!), and she loads her crew and Caesar onto it. As they sail, Xena discovers a stowaway (M'Lila). The cloaked person nearly takes out Xena's crew, and uses the "Xena Touch" on Xena herself, paralyzing her leg, and kills one of her men. Xena finally stops her with a good throw of a knife that sends a sail down upon the stowaway, who turns out to be a runaway slave. And female. She speaks only Gaelic, which Caesar translates. Xena allows the stowaway to stay, provided she teaches Xena the "touch."

"Adventures In The Sin Trade II" (Season 4 Episode 2)
Now we get a flashback to Cyane... and Xena falls headfirst into her sweathut... she thinks she has Cyane cornered cause she's naked, but Cyane steals her clothes and beats her silly. Cyane can run across branches like they were a path.. apparently this is the queen of all Amazon warriors. Xena gets her butt kicked.. it's fun to watch.

Source of the quotes:

Best wishes

Rowanna 

Action and power draw you like a moth to a flame. It burns inside you. Ares


Her fight with eve was questionable. Did she let her daughter win or did she best her in combat?


Hello, TinaTurnerfan18!

I believe Xena allowed Eve to win! Xena wanted that Eve (Livia, then) had Xena's life in her hands; she trusted Eve was going to understand that she was born to do good and that, somehow, it was not too late for her to resume her mission to redeem her acts as Callisto plus the wrong-doings she committed as Livia.

Besides, when Ares saw Xena alive, he didn't give Livia a second thought: his Warrior Queen was back! His favorite warrior; the woman he wanted to give birth to his child; the one person he's ever admired as a warrior and loved as a man (god) was back! Why should he care about a second-class replacement? And who's better to judge a warrior's skills and potential that the God of War?!

Best wishes


Action and power draw you like a moth to a flame. It burns inside you. Ares


Yes wait until you meet najara.
She kicks Xenas arse twice I think. She basically batters her in one episode & knocks her tooth out!!
And varia kicks her arse quite well cos Aries trained her but varia doesnt win the final fight. Thin she talks her way out of it,



Oh shut up.
If they wanted a simple yes or no answer they would have said wouldnt they?
Stop swearing.
Bit of a boring answer when somebody asks that question I respond with a simple 'Yes'

