Ideal Reboot Cast

So since there's a reboot coming, (here's to hoping that they don't *beep* this up royally) who do you think could be the best to portray the roles?


For Xena I'd cast Ingrid Oliver

She looks the part. Also she can play tough characters well. Here she is in the Brit comedy Peep Show where she plays a woman who everyone thinks is a lesbian because she is so butch but later ends up raping the main male character.

Here it is If she can do a good American accent then go for it.

For Ares I want Tom Ellis. Here he is as basically the same character in Merlin, a big, cocky, egotistical guy who dresses in leather and fights with a crazy blonde.

Alti I would cast Jill Wagner. She played a mad evil bitch called Kate Argent in Teen Wolf. She's a great villain and she's got the evil, sexy MILF that you want to get tortured by thing going on like Claire Stansfield.,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNH-cwAwMqyPE5P02GhSPf_cjtBO_g&ust=1466108248695937

I am not sure about the others.


Lucy Lawless IS Xena, no one can replace her. There should never be a reboot.


I honestly wouldn't cast anyone I have seen before in something else.
