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Xena/Hercules characters Dungeons and Dragons alignments

What alignment do you think the various Xena and Hercules characters would be? (For those unfamiliar with the D&D alignment system - check this out:

My thoughts:

Lawful Good:
Michael (though maybe not in XWP Season 6!)
Callisto (after becoming an angel)
Lao Ma

Neutral Good:
Xena (XWP Season 1 only)
Deianeira (both of them)
Morrigan (after losing her blood addiction)

Chaotic Good:
Alternate Iolaus

Lawful Neutral:
Hera (after HTLJ finale)
Odin (in HTLJ)

True Neutral:
Xena (post XWP Season 1 and pre betrayal by Caesar)
Mark Antony
Widow Twanky

Chaotic Neutral:

Lawful Evil:
Hera (up to HTLJ finale)
Odin (in XWP)

Neutral Evil:
Evil Xena
Velasca (prior to becoming a god)
Ming Tien
The Sovereign (alternate Hercules)

Chaotic Evil:
Callisto (prior to becoming an angel)
Velasca (once a god)
The Minotaur
The Empress (alternate Nebula)
Morrigan (while addicted to blood)


Good list. I am only focusing on major characters whose alignment I disagree with.

Najara: She was either True Neutral or Neutral Evil. She was insane and willing to kill those who did not join her. So while she did some good she wasn't much different than many of the warlords or villains. I don't know how her insanity would impact her alignment.

Xena: I think Seaon 1 she was Lawful Good. She was more willing to abide by the laws and customs of the villages she came across compared to later on. Seasons 2-4 she was True Good. Seasons 5-6 she was True Neutral leaning toward good. Eve came first before anything else. Evil Xena was Chaotic Evil.

Nebula: Chaotic Neutral. She was kept heroic for the show, but was still a pirate that attacked ships, killed the guards, and stole treasure. She only showed her best side around Hercules and usually tried to keep the bloodshed to a minimum.

Zeus: True Neutral, While an odd case where what he says is law there is no evidence Zeus kept to any law code. He did what he wanted regardless of anything else.

Hera (after HTLJ finale): Lawful Good, while she defied her husband and king she fulfilled her role as the divine mother or ultimately chose good over law.

Odin and Thor: Lawful Good, both cared deeply about their family and worshippers and tried to help them which is more than the Greek gods. They appear to abide by some sort of honor code.

Ares: Neutral Evil, Ares abided by no law code whether is be a personal one or the laws of the gods. He gleefully broke both when it suited him and only did not out of fear of punishment. He only kept his promises to Xena because he was truly in love with her. The only thing that prevents Ares from being Chaotic Evil is he is willing to some extent support the building of a new order with himself on top.

Hope and Dahak: Chaotic Evil, both wanted to tear down the world to chaos.


Yeah, Najara was a tricky one. I see her as a very warped Good. She was determined to make the world a better place and her targets were evil people. She was just extremely uncompromising which is why I think she's Lawful; she's extremely rule-bound.

With Xena, yeah she's probably borderline between Good and Neutral for Season 2-4. Evil Xena seems to have rules she sticks to and she keeps her army fairly well regulated so I would hesitate to say she's Chaotic, apart from when she's working with Alti - she probably qualifies as Chaotic Evil then.

I probably agree with you about Nebula and Zeus on second thoughts.

I feel Hera does the right thing there but not sure I would say she's good as such, so much as paying back a favour. It's hard to tell admittedly.

Well, Thor was all for Trial by Axe etc which didn't strike me as particularly caring so I would stand by Neutral for him. Odin is a tougher call, we see less of him interacting with mortals. Also I guess I'm trying to reconcile him a bit with the XWP version who was definitely far from Good. Friga, who I accidentally left out, is probably Lawful Good.

Ares was another tough one. Sometimes he's totally committed to establishing new world order which would make him definitely Lawful. Other times he seems more devious and just enjoys messing with people for kicks. Neutral Evil is probably a fair compromise.

Can't believe I left out Hope and Dahak! Hope seems 100% loyal to Dahak so not sure I could call her Chaotic. So maybe Hope is Neutral Evil and Dahak Chaotic Evil.


In flashbacks, Evil Xena varied from a vicious warlord with some strict rules (no killing women and children for instance) to a borderline feral animal quite willing to hurt women and children that Borias could barely keep in check to a treacherous vicious backstapper (Valkyrie Xena for example).

Evil Xena either went through all three evil alignments or would have to be lumped under True Evil since she varied so much.

At the end, Hera was adamant she was not going to let another innocent die. It was more than paying back a favor.

As Balder tried to explain to Hercules, the harsh environment made the Norse gods and their people very different from the Greeks. Judging both societies by the same standards without taking that into account is unfair. Thor made it clear he cared for the Northmen when he sent Hercules to Asgard while he himself went to save the humans from a burning building. At the end, he did not kill that Viking girl an an attempt to get to Loki. To him, Trial by Axe was a good idea and he had yet to see why it wasn't. He did not see why it was a bad law.

For Odin, it is impossible to reconcile the two versions of the character. One is the caring patriarch of a volatile family. The other is a younger, selfish hedonist. The Hercules one is Lawful Good. The Xena one is True Neutral at best.

Finally, I think Ares only wanted order so much as was necessary to maintain the war effort. As he once stated, a hungry soldier is motivated to fight. A starving one cannot lift a sword. Peace would only be a time to rearm for the next war. Most chaotic being would want at least a degree of order and civilization for practicality if nothing else. But yeah Neutral Evil is probably the best.


Evil Xena either went through all three evil alignments or would have to be lumped under True Evil since she varied so much.

Yes probably would agree there.

At the end, Hera was adamant she was not going to let another innocent die. It was more than paying back a favor.

Fair enough

As Balder tried to explain to Hercules, the harsh environment made the Norse gods and their people very different from the Greeks. Judging both societies by the same standards without taking that into account is unfair. Thor made it clear he cared for the Northmen when he sent Hercules to Asgard while he himself went to save the humans from a burning building. At the end, he did not kill that Viking girl an an attempt to get to Loki. To him, Trial by Axe was a good idea and he had yet to see why it wasn't. He did not see why it was a bad law.

I feel with Thor that saving the humans was out of character for him - he had been affected by Hercules lecturing him and was trying to be a better person than he had been before. So perhaps it could be said that he was a borderline case who Hercules pushed into complete goodness. But then of course that was all undone when Hercules changed time.

For Odin, it is impossible to reconcile the two versions of the character. One is the caring patriarch of a volatile family. The other is a younger, selfish hedonist. The Hercules one is Lawful Good. The Xena one is True Neutral at best.

Yes, probably true.
