MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > I hated Xena - she was sooooooo nasty & ...

I hated Xena - she was sooooooo nasty & annoying

I dont think its ironic, I love the show but to be honest I hated Xena the more the show progressed.
Her attitude towards Gabrielle is disgusting - she gave up her whole life for Xena, her daughter, etc and does Xena care.............of course not!! She just abandoned her at the docks when she went to china for Min Tien - disgusting.
Also hope was born & xena instantly wanted her dead, she completely went out of her way to destroy her child, not giving a rats arse about how Gabrielle would feel.

Then when Eve was born & turned into Livia, xena was all 'We need to save her & change her blah blah blah' why didnt she give Garbielle & hope that choice??????
And Livia murdered thousands of people including children. Hope killed about 3 maybe. Both children didnt have the correct upbringing but hope didnt even get the chance & gabrielle would have raised her right but as usual Xena had her way & chased her until Gabrielle eventually killed her.

When solan & hope died, both mothers were mourning but as usual xena took it out on gabrielle having no guilt herself.

No because it was Xenas child & she had to save her! i hated that. Also i despised Xenas comments to Gabrielle like 'Im a mother' with that smug look on her face when Gabrielle was trying to stop eve crying. If i were Gabby id have to say 'I was once you know, but you made me destroy my child'

When the gods rose up against Eve, xena was like 'Its MY child' and everybody had to protect her, but nobody protected Gabrielle when xena DECIDED it was her right to kill hope as a baby.

Then theres the dragging gabrielle to death practically with her horse, id never forgive her for that.

Also what about the idiotic attitude to Najara - she decided it was again Xenas right to bring her to justics for the people she murdered. Excuse me but didnt Xena murder innocent people, Najara murdered warlords, not murders but xena had to make her pay for her cri8mes, what an *beep* Xena never paid for her crimes ever, shes such an idiot, making people pay for their crimes etc when she is the worse out of the lot. I understand Callisto hating her & she has every right to hate her, she destroyed her family. I would never stop hating her either.

So to sum up, I hate xena & her smug stupid attitude, thinking shes brilliant at everything, shes so nasty to her friends & always has a go at Gabrielle (unnecessary)

I liked Gabby but only thing that got on my nerves was as said quite rightly by that girl in the Rhein gold (Is Xena all you think about) shes very nasty to Joxa too, when hes injured & dying Gabrielle says 'The people i love are heading the other way & im here' etc Wow - just wow!!

Joxa risked his life so many times for gabrielle & she doesnt give a *beep*
If i were Joxa, i'd have said 'well go on then, chase after them, ill sort myself out as usual'

She makes it obvious hes annoying, in the way etc & the nose grabbing, hair pulling, telling him to go away etc is down right nasty - she gets more like a bully every day. He should have quit them both. Gabrielle is only interested in xena, shes like obsessed for crying pout loud - hasnt she got a brain of her own.
I would have married Bearwolf if i were her because he was lovely.


You come under violation in a temple set up to mislead faith in order to bring forth ultimate evil, all of a sudden you are pregnant and no man touched you, not a Perdicas, no one. Do you really believe anything normal or saint could possibly come out of that situation? Do people truly believe Xena was at fault for wanting to stop evil from delivering an apocalypse, using the innocence and disguise of a baby? Xena may have came across as a bit of a hypocrite in her protection of Eve; however, her child never originated under the agenda to commit doom from the get go. Eve was a blessing child that needed time to turn out like her mother after following her footsteps.  So Gabrielle brought Xena's rage on herself by not listening, denying, lying and proving her right with the death of her son.

Xena didn't pay for her crimes and she embarks on missions to have others pay for theirs, you say? She spent time incarcerated on Shark Island, lost her son Solan and mother Cyrene, watched Callisto be the tragic monster she created, lived by the sword and died by the sword literally. If that's not enough then we wouldn't have a show to watch her make amends for her wrongs.

If best friends don't argue at times, are they really even friends? Naturally, the two have different ideals. Gabrielle believes in peace, love and the greater good. Xena believes in war, fighting and redemption. Those ideals clash when situations arise. With Xena already having to look after Gabrielle cause she's no excellent defender or fighter for a majority of the series, while danger lurks with Gabrielle always thinking "good will triumphant", they both would've been dead early to be gullible in following that precisely for their own survival. "Oh let's keep a demon baby implanted by Dahak the Devil... it is just an innocent child... it is my child..." Yeah love you Gabrielle but Xena has been in the fight way longer than you to make rational judgements when threats present themselves.

One thing I do agree with is Gabrielle treating Joxer like the scab on her wound she picked off one season. It's understood Joxer was factually one of the most annoying characters at times, but he did genuinely care for her. The least she could've done was shown him some more love and respect. Her world revolved around the warrior princess in truth.


Xena payed for her crimes on shark island? Wow she was there maybe a month until Gabrielle turned up. I dont call a month of jail sentence justice for a life time of killing. She lost her son solan - yep but gabrielle lost her daughter too & xena didnt care. She lost her mum, yep but gabrielle lost both hare parents. Its fault fault Callisto became what she became - i love the show but the main character is just sooooooooooo unlikable.

Having said that Lucy is amazing so for me to hate Xena she obv did a good job.
Best friends argue yes but Xena does go to far with Gabrielle at times, nearly killing her by dragging her behind argo. As much as Gaby was hurting she would never have done that to Xena. I agree maybe Gabby wouldnt have been able to help Hope but xena didnt even giver her the option & the horrible fact is even when Eve murdered Joxa, Gabrielle was right there saying to Xena 'Lets go save your daughter' now that take courage, strength & being an amazing friend.

It was only just after Gabrielle lost Hope (baby) that Xena abandoned her to go to China for an old friend - What about your new bloody friend????? And dont forget her exact words to 'You would throw away these last few years??' Xena's reply is simply Yes!

If i were Gabrielle I would save 'Well *beep* you Xena' & went in the opposite direction, never to return.



Yes but her death was very justified. She destroyed an entire town yeuch she deserved to die


Xena said yes, but that doesn’t mean she meant it. She wasn’t genuinely being given an ultimatum from Gabrielle.

As for the Hope situation, I didn’t like the way Xena handled it, but Hope isn’t comparable to Eve. The latter wasn’t born evil. Hope had no chance of being good, like Eve.


I'm currently rewatching this and Hercules in the order they were aired. I never watched the whole series through this way seeing both shows side by side. I'm currently in Season 1 Xena, Season 2 Hercules and it's already a different experience seeing where they overlap. Good stuff.

I will watch for the things you mentioned. I have to agree that I hated the finale to Xena. It as stupid.


Oh my. There is so much to unpack here. Your assessment of Xena's character is not perfectly appropriate at times.


Not "perfectly appropriate"? What the hell does that even mean? The OP is spot on, Xena is not likeable and very often not a good friend to Gabrielle.


I just meant that it was not always politically correct.


The OP's assessment is not politically correct? Who cares?


Then you need to rewatch the series because she's done nothing but save and put up with her I'm better than everyone attitude. She's a side character for a reason. A cry baby
