MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > Which actresses do you think would be go...

No idea who they are, but the middle one is quite striking.

Captain Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Ingrid Oliver is a brilliant actress.

She's so versatile.

Here she is in a Brit comedy named Peep Show where she plays this big, butch rapist called Natalie.

Here she in DW playing a meek, girly, wimpy, cute little nerd called Osgood.

The two could not be more different.

She has a flair for comedy so I think she could cope with the funny and the serious aspects of the character too.

Only thing is though can she do an American accent? I'm not sure. I think a British Xena might sound a bit too odd. Though to be fair there's no reason an American Xena should be any less ridiculous considering she's from ancient Greece, but still its what we are used too.


Jennifer Connelly is 45. Lucy Lawless is 48. If they're recasting just to get younger people, then I'd be mad to see a 45 y.o. actress chosen.


I understand not wanting to see anyone but Lucy play the role. I think that they shouldn't remake it TBH the original is perfect. However if they are going to remake it then they obviously can't cast the same actress again.

As for an older actress playing the role TBH I think that would be better in some ways.

When you think about it as excellent as Lucy was, she was really too young to play that character technically, though again in spite of that NO ONE will ever be as good as her in the role as she IS Xena.

Still Lucy was only 27 when she first played the part. No way could Xena have done all the *beep* she was supposed to do if she were 27.

Lets see to start with Solon is what 13, 14 years old when we first see him so that would make Xena about 13 when she had him. Now I know as horrible as it was women were forced to have kids at that age in many ancient societies so its possible, but does Xena look 13 in the flashbacks when she gives birth to Solon? Also this would mean all of her adventures as a pirate and her affair with Cesaer and her adventures in China all must have happened when she was like 11 or 9!

Also she torched Callisto's village when Callisto was a girl. Since Hudson Leick was exactly the same age as Xena then Xena would have to have been about 9 when that happened. Not only is that silly, but in Armaggedon Now does Xena look 7 leading that army?

Xena should actually be in her mid to late 40's TBH.
