the 25 year sleep

hi there...i am a fan of this show and of Hercules watching them both on tv atm....dont think i saw all episodes when they were originally on. but question...the 25 year sleep they had undergone...even tho it was a bit unnecessary..well..what even happened during that time? did whatshisname (sorry forgot..something with a C) just raise Eve and then send her off to boarding school when she was of age cuz he did not want her around or something? find it really weird and a bit creepy that she grew up away, came back and was supposed to marry him..or that he let her be raised by Rome to be such a ruthless, lethal warrior (notice how she was a lot like evil/old Xena and Callisto before reformation?). i think Ares was a bit on the dumb side and didnt even notice that the two women had FAKED their deaths..i mean..yes he loved Xena but shouldnt a god be able to tell if they are truly dead?? i would've thought it would be safer to leave Eve with him or Aphrodite than some Roman general. ah well. but really curious here...what happened to Hercules and Iolaus after the gap? would've been nice to see them on the show again. but i noticed even partially due to Herc's new haircut that possibly the events of season 5 or 6 on Xena occurred AFTER Full Circle on HTLJ. did they? or was Iolaus still dead before he came back to life a few eps before the finale? if they had continued the Xena show, it would have been awesome to either try to bring Xena back, or just reunite Gabby with Iolaus or Hercules. i would not watch a reboot tho....when will Hollywood ever learn..dont screw with a classic!


1) Jercules is half mortal so he ages, so assuming they didn't get themselves killed at some stage, both Iolaus and Chimpules lived to a ripe old age. They'd be in their 60s when X & G broke out of the ice tomb.

2) Don't think too much of the Octavius/Eve relationship. In ancient Rome, kids were sent away to the provinces all the time, also including as diplomatic hostages (like Flavius Aetius was sent to the Huns as a child). So displacement was nothing unusual. Keep in mind Romans cultivated a militant culture, always expecting for war to erupt at a moment's notice. Martial arts was considered basic education for kids (primarily boxing).

So little Eve was sent away to the provinces where she received the best tutors & best training. Just because she was Xena's kid doesn't make any difference. Octavius was first and foremost Roman. And they were in it's only natural for Eve to grow up the Roman way.

Having Callisto's spirit certainly didn't do her sensitive side any favors. She was easy pickings for Ares. As Hudson Leick said during an episode commentary, Callisto must've been a real rugrat long before Xena came along. The sacking of Cirra would have only worsened her already-feisty disposition. Just because young Callisto was portrayed as a lamb in Hercules' "Armageddon Now" episodes doesn't make it so.

3) Ares may have been a god but he still felt human emotions (how else could have he fallen in love with Xena?), and so seeing Xena's limp and presumably dead body affected him and clouded his judgement. He was distraught.
