Xena orginal chakram

This may be a long shot but does anyone have an orginal chakram for sale? I've got the new one. Been a fan since 5 and my gf has started watching and loves it. Thought it would make a good gift. I've looked on amazon/ebay/legendaryheroes.com (where I got the new one) and no luck


For some reason the original ones are very hard to find. I've been looking for one as well, but all I got is the Chakram of Balance. Heavy little bugger, isn't it? I pity any future burglars.

Even more rare is the Chakram of Balance that splits in two.



A b1tch, no. The edges are rounded. But it is surprisingly heavy. Can easily defend yourself with it by using it as a weight. And if your throwing is good, you can throw it Xena style. Can even throw in a LELELELELELELELE yell if it makes you feel any better. Just don't expect it to come back to you.

I suppose I could use it to cut raw fish. If Gabrielle could do it, so can I.
