MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > Rewatching season 4 not that good

Rewatching season 4 not that good

I've been rewatching Xena and I'm now almost done with season 4, and I don't remember much of the last 3 seasons but man what a disappointment. Granted season 3 is one of my favorite seasons of any television show so there really was no where go but down but the whole season just feels eh. And they're making me not care for Gabrielle. I love Gabrielle. There's a few gems like Family Affair and the shark island episode and I'm looking forward to Callisto's return but overall so disappointing. And the next two seasons iirc are worse!

Also not a fan of the wild animal depiction of Xena. I prefer the more commanding warlord as seen in the Gauntlet, Destiny and the Price. It kind of made sense in the debt because Caesar had broke her literally and figuratively but it just got ridiculous by the Sin Trade


I was a child when season 4 had originally aired. I didn't like it then because I felt like it was a much boring season in comparison to the epic, apocalyptic, action-packed season 3. As an adult though, upon rewatch, I've actually come to love season 4. Gabrielle's search for spirituality (& spiritual healing for her soul in general) is just something that hits home for me as an adult vs. when I was a kid watching the season. I look at season 4 as the therapy season for Gabrielle post-Dahak arc.



Lol I agree. When I was little I only understood about half of xena. Season 4 had some good fights though. But now the spiritual growth and the vision are great. Skip to S5 and all that goes out the window. Although I think gabby getting off that Quest was because lucy got pregers. Can't have a peace lady and a pregnant lady not fighting much on an action series lol.


Just finished season 4 and started season 5 last night (very mixed feelings of Fallen Angel my head sure is fighting with my heart at that one)

Well I suppose my feelings of season 4 might change again (because I plan on rewatching Xena again after I finish only this time concurrently with Hercules) overall I still found the season mediocre. But the episodes I loved where: family affair, Locked up and tied down, the plays the thing, takes one to know one, Ides of March, and Deja Vu all over again

I suppose season 4 wasn't bad but it definitely feel like the magic of season 1-3 is gone


What were your feelings on Gabrielle's transformation in season 4?



I agree with your opinion. How would you rate the seasons as favorites to worst? For me: 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6.



Six episodes into season 5 and maybe I was too harsh on season 4 because so far season 5 has been so so bad.

Season 5 is when the guys who wrote the Transformers movie took over as creative heads? Because that would explain a lot.

Season 1-3 were fantastic. Season 4 was mediocre but not without merit. Season 5 so far? God.
