MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > WATCHING IT ON NETFLIX ON DEMAND SOME QU...


#1: It would appear that all the episodes of all 6 seasons would be on the Netflix on Demand application. I have it on my cable TV. However it's missing the episode LYRE LYRE HEARTS ON FIRE, which was the 2nd musical episode (the 1st was The Bitter Suite). Why is this episode not here? Where can I see it? I don't own the DVD. I should have bought the damn DVD complete series box set back in 2006. At any rate I wonder just why that musical episode is not here.

I have not been watching it in order so I have some questions that I don't mind you hardcore Xena fans who have seen every episode telling me about including spoilers. You can spoil it for me and I'll watch the episode as long as you tell me the name of the episode and what season it is.

First of all I love Xena but I'm a big history lover and find this amusing as a historical alternate fiction. Xena and Gabrielle do a lot of time traveling. They are both living during an undisclosed period of history and they live through way too many different eras of the BC to be realistic to one person's lifetime. Oh she's in classical Greece at the time of Homer's Iliad/Odyssey in fact they include the Trojan War and Ulysses, the Olympian gods (same characters in Hercules Legendary Journey) like Hades and Ares, but they also go as far as to live to the end of the worship of the Greek gods (their Twilight when Eve Xena's baby is born) and the rise of Christianity during the Roman Empire. However they also have Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Boudica and even have them in King Arthur's Britain (in the Britannia setting in episode Gabrielle's Hope). They go through Biblical eras including a young King David when he kills the giant Goliath, they also have Jesus as a baby with Joseph and Mary at the end of Solstice Carol episode, and the character of Eli from an India when ancient Hinduism was in flower (they even have Krishna and Hanuman as characters). Eli I think is supposed to be a subsitute for Jesus. Eli's followers build churches after his death and their symbol is a Christian fish/they are persecuted by the Roman (or the very Roman Eve daughter of Xena)....they're in ancient Norselands like Sweden Norway Finland Scandinavia at the time of the Norse gods like Odin and the Valkyries, they have some elements of the Ring of the Nibelung and they also have Beowolf and Grendel....oh they have them travel to China during an imperial age, Japan during some sort medieval feudal system, etc. The writers took so much creative license regarding historical timeline and even the lifetime of a single person like Xena. This is straight out fantasy but the historical touches are beyond inaccurate.

1: Was it ever revealed who exactly Ares is to Xena? Is he her father? If he was not her father was he ever at some point her lover? Is he the father of her child Eve/Livia? Why is Ares so attached to Xena? In the episode Motherhood he even confesses to Xena that he loves her (in a deadpan very unconvincing way) but he proves that he loves her when he gives up his own godhood and powers in order to save Xena Gabrielle and Xena's daughter Eve from the wrath of the Olympian gods who were about to destroy Xena/Gabby/Eve. Having given up his powers he becomes a mortal but Xena has always been repulsed by him and would never be his girlfriend/wife or partner. I found it very touching that he did this for Xena. But What becomes of Ares in the end?

2: Who is Eve/Livia's father? What happened to him and who was he to Xena?

3: When the Olympian gods died, what happened to Aphrodite? Aphrodite was never a "bad" person. She was clearly a good hearted and very sweet Valley Girl type who never used her powers for evil. She would sometimes mess with Xena/Gabby/Joxer but it was always in a prankish fun way never causing any serious harm. She seemed to be on the side of Xena/Gabby. So after Ares gave up his powers as a god to save Xena/Gabby/Eve, and the other gods disappear did Aphrodite disappear with them?

4: Gabrielle's Short Hair: In the episode Between The Lines(?) when Xena & Gabby are in India, and Alti has brought them to a future where Xena/Gabby are reincarnated, Xena saves Gabby from Alti's grip on her hair using her chakram which cuts off part of Gabby's hair, thus saving her. Is this their way of explaining why Gabrielle appears with short hair at the end of that same episode? Why was it so necessary for the character to go through that physical change? What was the intention of the writers in doing this? Did Renee O'Connor change her hair and then they had to write it in to fit the plot/character or did they ask her to cut her hair for the show? Does her having short hair have any particularly special purpose? And why does she throw away her staff but at the same time she takes on new weapons and a new fighting style. Is her having short hair assisting in giving her a darker and more warrior type of look? I'm the type of Gabrielle fan who preferred her with long hair. I just hate to have to see her with short hair LOL

5: Eli. Is Eli supposed to be Jesus or the show's way of depicting Jesus? It would have been controversial to actually depict Jesus on the show. They were already treading into some controversy by depicting Krishna the Hindu god in that other episode in which a demon kidnaps Eli and Gabrielle and Xena gets help form Krishna to save them. My interpretation of Eli is that he is very much like Jesus - a healer, has visons, talks to God, and has a group of followers who later number in the thousands and build "churches" in his name after his death. In this capacity they are substitutes for the early Christian Church and the Christians that were persecuted by the Romans under such Emperors as Augustus (mentioned in Xena) and mainly Nero. Eve's persecution and slaughter of many of Eli's follows mirrors the cruelty shown to Christians by the Romans. Eli's followers continue to see him as a divine spiritual being after his death. The symbol for this church is clearly modeled after the Jesus Fish or Christian Fish symbol. I don't even know how Eli died. How did Eli die? Was there any form of resurrection for him or did he become spirit? If Eli is not a substitute for Jesus is he supposed to be a similar healer that would have taught Jesus (the Jesus based on historical-theory not Biblical fundamentalism). There is one scene in Motherhood in which a repentant Eve (who had a vision in Eli's Temple) and others are being baptized in the same way that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and how the Baptist baptized early Christians. In the context of the show's version of an afterlife, where does Eli go after he died?

6: What happened to Solan Xena's first son after his death what sort of afterlife does he get?

7: When did Alti finally die and what is the final appearance and or is she always coming back in every new era and lifetime (Xena/Gabby reincarnations).

8: In the episode Send in the Clones is that actually Xena and Gabrielle and Alti in the present time (by then it was the year 2001) or are they clones and what happened to these clones? Why would they even make this episode? I do love it though but wish they had actually transported Xena/Gabby to the future (the present year 2001) rather than that clone nonsense.

9: The Ending: Why was it so god damn necessary for Xena to give up her own life and to remain a spirit? I don't find the ending satisfying at all. It would have made more sense if they had Xena and Gabrielle both die together and hint at a future life/reincarnation for their next journey. Instead it would appear they had Gabrielle become a replacement to Xena as warrior and yet we don't know exactly what kind of fighting or missions Gabby will have. They mention she is going to the land of the Pharaohs (Egypt) and that they needed a hero who is good with a chakram. Who in Egypt needs a hero with a chakram? LOL

