MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > DON'T OWN THE DVD WATCHING RERUNS ON BAS...


Hi I'm a fan of Xena and watched the entire show from 1995 to 2000. There were some episodes I missed namely the final season in the year 2001. I am having a great time watching Xena reruns on a basic TV channel called Heroes & Icon. This channel airs on any basic TV. They are also showing Hercules at 3pm Pacific time/6pm Eastern Standard Time and Xena at 4pm Pacific Time/7pm Eastern Time. It comes on Monday through Friday. They are already in the Sacrifice Part 1-2 episodes in which Gabrielle's evil daughter Hope, the child of the evil god Dahak, has assumed the same form as Gabrielle. I remember mostly loving the first 3 seasons. I never cared for the later episodes in which Gabrielle cut her hair really short, stopped fighting with her staff, Argo the horse disappears, and Xena has a baby. I remember watching the final episode in which Xena gives up her own life to save a thousand Asian souls imprisoned by a demon. That was a bunch of nonsense. In the end Xena becomes a spirit in the same style as Obi Won Kenobi from Star Wars? Gabrielle is going to communicate with Xena's ghost? To me it was an unsatisfying finale to a great series because Xena had died many times previously and always came back to life safe and sound. It made no sense that she can't return from the dead that final time. But this was the best all time best TV series of the 90's. I remember having absolutely no social life on Saturday nights between 9pm and 10pm when it would come on the WB Channel 5 (now called the CW). I never believed that Xena and Gabrielle were lesbians but the writers of the show clearly enjoyed messing with viewer's heads into thinking they could be in a deep romantic lesbian relationship because of the more affectionate moments between them. I think they were just 2 very good friends. The show was all about feminism and female courage, so it made sense that both Xena and Gabrielle (who were straight) would prefer their own friendship to a boring life with a husband. The men on the show were mostly weak and pathetic. There weren't any amazing men for them to hook up with. And for whatever reason Hercules and Xena never became a couple. I wonder why the fans did not insist on a romantic relationship between Xena and Hercules. They were clearly equals. I also wish they had made a movie at the height of the show's popularity around 1997 and 1998. I don't care to watch any reboot of the show or a movie. The Xena I love was classic Xena from the seasons between 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998. I also love Gabrielle with long hair and her staff and her scrolls.

"To Conquer Others Is Have to Power, to Conquer Yourself Is To Know The Way " - Lou Ma.


Never heard of paragraphs? And it's LAO Ma, not Lou.


Whew a couple of paragraphs would've helped. To answer to couple of your questions.

In the end Xena becomes a spirit in the same style as Obi Won Ken obi from Star Wars? Gabrielle is going to communicate with Xena's ghost? Why did Hercules and Xena not become a couple?

1. Yes she became a spirit like Obi Won Ken obi as a way of always being with Gabrielle in the rest of her adventures to keep Gabrielle company for the rest of her physical life.

2. That therefore is answered for you because Gabrielle and Xena are so linked that they would always be of a comfort to each other. It was explained in the episode of "Between The Lines" that they are like two lines separate yet still woven to walk the same path beside each other.

*The bonus is that the show had run it's course and there was no other way for them to kill Xena or to keep her alive without it being strange. If they kept her alive then there were still more adventures that us as her viewers would be missing. In there killing her and making her a "martyr" it makes sense because she now has completely absolved all of her sins from the past by being totally selfless in scarifying herself for the good of others (by saving their souls no less).
Xena has totally completed her life cycle by becoming good (she taught Gabrielle how to become a warrior). Gabrielle on the other hand completed her life cycle by becoming a full fledged warrior with morals (which are something that she always kept in tact and through out the show by reteaching it to Xena). Therefore they both taught something to each other yet sill needed each other to help to keep the other one in check.

Oh yeah Gabrielle become the only other person besides Callisto (whom was reincarnated as Eve) to be able to catch the chakram. Also did we really want to watch Gabrielle with a spirit Xena. Granted they had already done that in a couple of episodes which were fine but not every single episode. The show had run it's course so they felt this was the best way to wrap up both characters.

3. Xena and Hercules just couldn't truly become a real couple because they were still on two totally different paths even if they were both for good. They would both be needed in two different parts of the world at different times. They were not destined to be together.

Hercules was the good ole boys type of show (which I watched then but not as much). Whereas Xena was made at a time in the mid nineties where it was finally all about "Girl Power" (which also made it so I absolutely loved it and preferred it over Hercules that and the fact I was in high school and as a girl I got tired of the silly boys). There's just no good way to say it but....

They kept them separated because both shows were cash cows they would occasionally cross each others paths. Hercules was always good. While Xena went from good to bad to good and it made watching her better. However, keeping them both separated is what made both of the shows interesting. Well especially Xena.

I also highly suggest that you rent or buy the DVD collection of Xena to watch because even though it is coming on the new channel. I can tell you for a fact that they are showing shows (episodes) out of order. It'll make it hard to understand or to catch on to certain things. Yes this is coming from a woman that owns all Xena seasons.

PS: I only typed this much because I trying to warm myself up and get back into the habit of typing essays again for more grant money for school. This is very good practice especially if your typing on one of your favorite characters. Wonder Woman however is a whole different topic.

Have a good day lad....
