Season 5 is just a mess

Perhaps I was too hard on season 4. I still thing it was a slump in quality after the first 3 seasons. But was if bad? Nah Takes One to Know One was a lot of fun, Locked up and tied down was a great deconstruction and reconstruction of the premise of a former war criminal trying to atone for her murderous crimes and Ides of March was in someways the most satisfying season finale yet (I know Deja Vu all over again was the aired final episode of season 4, but IOM was the true finale)

But season 5? Oh boy. I'm not against the idea of the Twilight of Gods it's an interesting idea. The fall of pagan Gods and rise of the Judeo Christian God is interesting and the Old Testament God would totally be down for the death of the "false Gods" but the problem is the execution is terrible. They're talking about the time when people would no longer need the Gods but then theyre just going to worship a new God. Uhh what? An episode is about fighting with love and not violence but Xena ends up becoming crusader for the one God killing the Olympians for him. Okay it's entirely in self defense but its still using violence! And this dichotomy could be justified that the bible talks about love while also justifying stoning people to death but somehow I don't think the Xenastaff was going for that.

I'm nearly finished and the only two episodes I truly loved where Lyre Lyres hearts on fire and God Fearing Child (which is really the Hercules series finale)

And I haven't got to season 6 yet but Lifeblood and Married with Fishsticks are pretty good contenders for worst episodes of Xena ever. Hell if I made a top 5 worst episodes of Xena the list would include those two episodes, the two Chin episodes of season 5, and Seeds of Faith.



If season 6 is worse than season 5 I might not be able to finish.


What did you think about the first 3 episodes of the season? What's your opinion on Gabrielle's character in this season?


Fallen Angel, well I liked it from an emotional standpoint. I like that Xena would literally go to hell for Gabrielle, I like Callisto's declaration of anger toward Xena about all that Xena had done to her, I like that Xena gave up her salvation so Callisto could be saved which shows just how self-sacrificing Xena is and goes a long to way explaining her actions in the series finale. I liked Gabby truly having to forgive Callisto.

But from a logic standpoint it made no sense. Xena and Gabby are not believers of the one God yet they shouldn't be in heaven.'. Gabby would go to the Amazon land of the dead and Xena would go to Hades domain. How did Callisto's parents go to heaven? At least they explained how Callisto ended up in hell in Ides of March.

I liked aspects of Chakram like Xena having no memory of her violent past seeing a different kind of Xena. Otherwise the episode was alright and yay another weapon that can kill Gods.

Succession was just boring.

Poor Gabrielle has almost nothing to do after the third episode except really feel like Xena's sidekick this time instead of her friend and tell Joxer she only cares for him as friend as if we're suppose to feel bad for a deluded idiot who even in Xena and Gabrielle's deaths tries to take credit for Xena's deeds And this seems to be when the show decide to try to "straighten Xena" up and give focus to her gross relationship with Ares. But I guess season 6 will bring the les yay back in full force? I at least liked them addressing Gabrielle not writing as much as she used to and her friendship with Aphrodite. I


I didn't mind the first half of Season 5 but once they started focusing too much on Eli's God and Eve's storyline and being put on ice for 25 years that's kind of when it got a bit too clumpy for me. Then it's like, "we believe in a peaceful one true God yet our God gave you the power Xena to kill Gods to get rid of the competition so I can be the only God in the world," which made no sense to me when the followers are supposed to pacifist. Lol.


Yeah season 5'was fundamentally screwed. Mankind will no longer need the Gods but they will just worship the new God. Violence is not the answer but God's number 1 Angel will give Xena the power to kill Gods. And the point where Eli went from loose Jesus analog to pretty much Jesus just ugh. I think establishing Judiasm as we saw in Giant Killer and having Xena and Gabrielle meet baby Jesus was enough. We could have gathered from our own minds that people would eventually stop worshipping the Olympians we didn't need a half ass hypocritical storylines to wipe out a handful of them.'

I just started season 6 and while I'm only 5 episodes in and it has its problems I am enjoying it more than season 5 so far

