The Reckoning

I was rewatching the reckoning recently and the ending really annoys me. After they were going to execute Xena and all the people come back to life and reveal she actually tried to help them the mob just cheers her. There were certainly many people who could have rightfully had her executed for her crimes but, I think I would have preferred a more sullen or shameful reaction from the mob in this particular situation. Especially from that kid who smirked when she was being marched to her death I know his dad was killed but it was rather schadenfreuden.


I think they were just really happy to have their loved ones back from the dead. And learning that Xena fought to save them turned her haters into softies.  Plus. People are fickle. 



I had realized they were overjoyed at the moment but for me I would have liked an extra scene with the townspeople as xena and gabby were leaving. That may not be needed by other people but to me it brings closure to the story.


Naaaa peope are just *beep* :) hahahahahahahahhaa
