MovieChat Forums > Xena: Warrior Princess (1995) Discussion > Do you think the Varia actress would hav...

Do you think the Varia actress would have been better as Xena daughter?

than the other actress, Adrienne W? She is more muscular and athletic looking.

💕ty all for very active Xena board.proof it's still so captivating💕


No. I didn't like either actresses.


Maybe. Anyone would have been better than Adrienne. She was a terrible actress.


Adrienne looks like Lucy and Hudson so she was a good casting choice visually, but she was an awful actress. And her fighting Lucy was pathetic.

Varia looks like she could be Xena and Ares daughter.


I thought she was quite good actually - i didnt like the story lines of Xena's child being the 'Messenger of Eli (Typical) and Gabbys child being pure evil.

Just insane but as usual Xena has to be number 1.


I dont think its ironic, I love the show but to be honest I hated Xena the more the show progressed.
Her attitude towards Gabrielle is disgusting - she gave up her whole life for Xena, her daughter, etc and does Xena care.............of course not!! She just abandoned her at the docks when she went to china for Min Tien - disgusting.
Also hope was born & xena instantly wanted her dead, she completely went out of her way to destroy her child, not giving a rats arse about how Gabrielle would feel.

Then when Eve was born & turned into Livia, xena was all 'We need to save her & change her blah blah blah' why didnt she give Garbielle & hope that choice??????
And Livia murdered thousands of people including children. Hope killed about 3 maybe. Both children didnt have the correct upbringing but hope didnt even get the chance & gabrielle would have raised her right but as usual Xena had her way & chased her until Gabrielle eventually killed her.

When solan & hope died, both mothers were mourning but as usual xena took it out on gabrielle having no guilt herself.

No because it was Xenas child & she had to save her! i hated that. Also i despised Xenas comments to Gabrielle like 'Im a mother' with that smug look on her face when Gabrielle was trying to stop eve crying. If i were Gabby id have to say 'I was once you know, but you made me destroy my child'

When the gods rose up against Eve, xena was like 'Its MY child' and everybody had to protect her, but nobody protected Gabrielle when xena DECIDED it was her right to kill hope as a baby.

Then theres the dragging gabrielle to death practically with her horse, id never forgive her for that.

Also what about the idiotic attitude to Najara - she decided it was again Xenas right to bring her to justics for the people she murdered. Excuse me but didnt Xena murder innocent people, Najara murdered warlords, not murders but xena had to make her pay for her cri8mes, what an *beep* Xena never paid for her crimes ever, shes such an idiot, making people pay for their crimes etc when she is the worse out of the lot. I understand Callisto hating her & she has every right to hate her, she destroyed her family. I would never stop hating her either.

So to sum up, I hate xena & her smug stupid attitude, thinking shes brilliant at everything, shes so nasty to her friends & always has a go at Gabrielle (unnecessary)

I liked Gabby but only thing that got on my nerves was as said quite rightly by that girl in the Rhein gold (Is Xena all you think about) shes very nasty to Joxa too, when hes injured & dying Gabrielle says 'The people i love are heading the other way & im here' etc Wow - just wow!!

Joxa risked his life so many times for gabrielle & she doesnt give a *beep*
If i were Joxa, i'd have said 'well go on then, chase after them, ill sort myself out as usual'

She makes it obvious hes annoying, in the way etc & the nose grabbing, hair pulling, telling him to go away etc is down right nasty - she gets more like a bully every day. He should have quit them both. Gabrielle is only interested in xena, shes like obsessed for crying pout loud - hasnt she got a brain of her own.
I would have married Bearwolf if i were her because he was lovely.
