Hope and Eve: The Irony

The other day I rewatched the episodes that started the Dahak/Hope storyline and I finally noticed something that struck me as deeply ironic:

A child is fathered through spiritual means by a force more destructive than one can imagine. Said child is supposed to herald in the age of the One True God of Light while bringing about the end/demise of the Olympian order.

That description fits either Gabrielle's child Hope or Xena's child Eve. Both were feared for the new order they were supposed to bring to the world. Dahak deceived some of his followers into thinking he was a force of goodness.

One irony is Xena's role in both. The first time she was deeply suspicious the moment Hope was born and may have killed her if she was not Gabrielle's child...and then she tried to. The second time around Zeus is the one trying to kill the child with Xena protecting her baby. Xena was supposed to be justified in slaying an infant because of the threat it posed to the world.

The other irony is from the Olympian perspective their actions make perfect sense. Their negligence contributed to the whole Dahak mess and nearly got them all killed. For story purposes, they created humanity and have spent a thousand years or more building a civilization. Now here comes the same situation all over again. A late comer/outsider wanting to take over what they built and is intolerant of other gods. This time Zeus and Athena are taking the proactive approach. They have idea way to know or think that this new god will be any different than Dahak. For all they know, it is Dahak trying again.

When Xena was doing the slaying she was supposed to be the good guy and be justified. When the Olympians do it they are supposed to be the bad guy. Amusingly enough, Xena herself kind of lost faith in the new god by the end of the series.


You conveniently forgot or choose to ignore the part where Xena saw baby Hope strangle an honest man up until that point she was merely cautious. The Olympians were trying to kill Eve before Eve was born and had done nothing. The Olympians went after Eve purely based on a prophecy that became self fulfilling though Eve never showed to be a threat. Hope was shown to be evil and thats why Xena tried to kill her


Xena did not see anything to prove that baby Hope was evil. Real babies can hurt people or themselves because they don't know what they are doing. They scratch. They poke. They pull, and they definitely try to grab and take objects that dangle...like the necklace Hope was playing with. Now imagine a baby, like Hope, with godly powers.

Xena condemned her based on "evidence " that could have easily been an accident. She even knows a half god (Hercules) who could have helped. They could have watched Hope and really judge what she was. Instead, she made up her mind, forcing Gabrielle to abandon Hope. Hope then grew up entirely under her father's care. It's no wonder she turned out the way she did. I'm not excusing Hope's later actions, but things might have turned out differently if Xena hadn't decided to kill a day old baby.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Hope was basically like Damien from the Omen. Xena was 100% right to want to kill it. It was a monster disguised as a baby. That's what has some people fooled. They fall for the baby appearance. But it wasn't. I don't believe any TPTB ever claimed baby Hope was innocent. That's because she wasn't.


Xena was not right based on what she knew and saw. The writers agree with her actions, but they did not show enough proof to justify Xena's actions. That she was proven right later does not justify her actions at the time, and we do not see what could have happened if Hope had been raised by Gabrielle. Instead, Hope was raised by her evil father. In spite of that, she still loved her mother. She forgave her for poisoning her. Sure, she wanted Gabrielle to go dark side with her, but that love shows that things could have been different if Gabrielle had been given a chance a chance to raise her.

Xena murdered hundreds (thousands?), but had a chance of redemption.

Calisto killed hundreds and had a chance of redemption, though she did not take it.

Eve/Livia killed as many as her mom, had a chance of redemption, responded by killing an entire village and Joxer, then got another chance.

Hope, at only a day old (a few months physically), killed someone in what might have been an accident, so Xena tries to kill her. No jury. No trial. No looking at the evidence. No watching to see if it was an accident. Nothing! Xena says she must die, and I'm supposed to be okay with that? I'm not. Xena tried to murder a baby. There is nothing right about that.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Evidence? This isn't the real world. It's a bleeping fantasy show. It was more than obvious what Hope was. You can pretend whatever you want to. As far as I'm concerned Xena was 100% right to want to kill the little evil demon baby. That's my opinion, just as you have your's. Chill.


Yes, the writers need to show evidence when they say a day old must die. The genre of the show doesn't matter.

I don't need to chill. I'm not angry.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Yes, the writers need to show evidence when they say a day old must die. The genre of the show doesn't matter.

There was evidence, but you're looking at it as some kind of court proceeding, and real world view. I'm looking at it in the context of the show. So yes genre does matter. I mean what is it you want to see exactly? The baby strangling the guy with an evil look? Obviously the little baby actor couldn't do it. And I don't think a CGI baby would have worked very well. Also there's studio restriction to consider, Even if they could CGI it, I doubt the studios would have ok'd it. So they implied it.


There were two entire episodes about fair trials and looking at the evidence. There was also at least one on Hercules, and there have been references on both shows. That's within the show itself, so yes, what I'm saying works within the context of the show.

As for the evil look... Er, I understand you have a different opinion, but you are actually just making stuff up now. It amuses me, I admit, but it does not change my mind.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Imagine if Xena had to go to court every time to prove a bad guy was a bad guy. It just doesn't work for this type of show. It's a land in turmoil that cried out for a hero. At least be logical.

but you are actually just making stuff up now

What exactly am I making up? Be specific. I asked a question about what you wanted to see as proof the baby was evil. Where exactly am I stating as a fact in that post that's made up? Please do tell.

This what I wrote:

There was evidence, but you're looking at it as some kind of court proceeding, and real world view. I'm looking at it in the context of the show. So yes genre does matter. I mean what is it you want to see exactly? The baby strangling the guy with an evil look? Obviously the little baby actor couldn't do it. And I don't think a CGI baby would have worked very well. Also there's studio restriction to consider, Even if they could CGI it, I doubt the studios would have ok'd it. So they implied it.

So where exactly in there is the fact that I made up? Asking a question is not stating a made up fact.


Okay, I misread and thought you were claiming Hope had evil look. LOL. Sorry.

As for the trial issue... Well, first I'm getting a little tired of your accusations towards me. First I need to chill. Then I'm not looking at something within the context of the show. Now I'm not being logical? You didn't even address what I actually said. So...trials are needed, except...when Xena says so? Hope wasn't acting aggressive when Xena found her with the necklace. There was no heat of battle moment. Xena was going to straight up murder Hope while she was playing, right next to her sleeping mother. That's not logical to me. You disagree. Can we just agree to disagree? This debate is going no where.

Also, just curious, but why reply so much to me while ignoring the OP? They did reply to you.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Of course we can agree to disagree. I don't mean to sound accusatory. So sorry if it came out like that. Oh I'm on vacation this week, so I'm just browsing around posting whenever I want to post a thought. I don't see the op's reply. I don't think he replied to me.


Have a fun vacation. :-D

As for the OP, the post is addressing what you said, but maybe he/she/ze accidentally replied to him/her/zirself. I've seen that happen on these boards before.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


My initial reply was in a post below. I thought I had replied to yours, but maybe did reply to the wrong one. Anyway, the full text of my previous reply is here:

I did not forget or ignore anything. Xena did not see Hope strangle anyone. She left the room only to return and find the knight strangled with Hope playing withe pendant. Gabrielle did point out the possibility that someone else had come into the room and murdered the knight. I admit Hope did it and going by the series it was supposed to be proof that Hope was evil, but from Xena's point of view it isn't so simple. Xena assumed Hope strangled him out of evil intent. Did Hope do it by accident? Did Hope maybe misuse some sort of strength or power? Did the knight accidentally do something that frightened Hope? Did Hope have an evil nature that could have been overcome with loving nurture? Could Hope even comprehend what she had done or formed a coherent thought to murder a man?

Xena took it upon herself to serve as judge, jury and executioner on an infant. She based her suspicions purely on a prophecy and who Hope's father was. That one incident was enough to condemn Hope to death compared to Xena who herself had done much worse yet still found redemption.

Prophecies in Greek myth are tricky things. Often, the very act of trying to prevent them brings them about. On the other hand, sometimes acting to prevent them stops them from coming true. Both Zeus and Xena were willing to kill infants/babies to avert what they thought were terrible futures without fully giving said being a chance to grow up and prove if they truly were the threat they were supposed to be or if there was another way to avert that dark future. Yet Zeus is reviled while Xena is given a free pass.

The only thing I would add (in response to your other posts) is most of the people Xena killed were in the heat of battle. Both Xena and Hercules had several episodes dedicated to the need for trials. Sometimes the "obvious" criminal was not the correct one. Other times there were mitigating circumstances. If Hercules and Xena arbitrarily engaged in vigilante justice whenever they felt like it they would only increase the breakdown of social order they were fighting against.

My original point is Zeus was not anymore heroic or villainous in his actions attempting to murder Eve than Xena was trying to kill an infant Hope. Within story, both were acting on prophecies which in their universe can be true, but can sometimes be averted. Xena herself had done far worse than Hope and spared both herself and others like Eve/Livia. Xena had no way to know if Dahak being Hope's father would make her predestined toward being evil than Ares being someone's father would predestine them to being a violent warlord.

Yes, the writers of the show intended Hope to be pure evil to justify Xena's actions toward her. But looking at it from Xena's point of view she had no way of knowing that, her actions are to a hypocritical in light of her actions to others, and she was acting on similar information to Zeus. If one's actions are villainous than so is the others. If one's actions are heroic than so is the others.


I thought you were replying to Jebus as his post started out as:

You conveniently forgot or choose to ignore

And that reply by you started out as:
I did not forget or ignore anything.

Oh well...no worries.

I was just checking the timestamps of that day. Our timezones may be different but the order will accurate.

Jebus was - 18:13:38
Me(first post)- 22:42:53
You - 20:47:18

So you had to have been replying to Jebus.


Apologizes, I was tired when I made that post so I lost track when I posted it.

I think a lot of the points made still stand since you appeared to be defending JebusCripes point of view.


Again no worries. I wasn't exactly defending Jebus' position as I know Xena never saw the baby kill. Mostly I felt Xena was correct in her assessment, and was right to want to kill it, as I felt the baby wasn't really a baby, but a demon/monster disguised as one.

Moreover, which I didn't add in my earlier posts, was that if Xena didn't take the demon baby out quickly everyone would be in imminent danger because of it's rapid growth. It's powers were getting stronger as it grew. This was mentioned later in Maternal Instincts when Xena talked about killing it while it was still young as it didn't have full powers yet.

I also feel her rapid growth cancels out "raising her" and teaching her. It was 10 years old in Maternal Instincts. Which was what? About a month later. So she was aging something like 4 months a day. Nurturing her to good under that radical growth doesn't seem very feasible to me. Especially when it seems her pa, Dahak communicates with her all the time somehow anyway.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to say on this. So I'll just let my posts stand.

Just wondering, have you ever seen The Omen? Because I found the story very comparable.


Mostly I felt Xena was correct in her assessment, and was right to want to kill it, as I felt the baby wasn't really a baby, but a demon/monster disguised as one.

I agree the rapid grown made Hope a threat and the writers intended Hope to be pure evil which from an outside point of view justified Xena's actions. Generally, killing infants in cold blood is considered evil, but the series intended to make it the morally correct the decision in this case.

My gripe is how Zeus is often portrayed as evil or wrong in his actions when he tried to slay Eve. All the Fates told him was the birth of Xena's child would result in the end of the Olympian gods. By this point, Zeus had gotten his act together so he may have known all about Hope. Now some other outsider claiming to be the "One God" was trying to take over. Like Xena, Zeus was on a time limit to eliminate a threat before it grew up. Both were basing their actions on the same type of limited information.

Just wondering, have you ever seen The Omen? Because I found the story very comparable.

I have seen the original. The key difference I would say is it took quite a bit more to motivate Damien's first foster father to try and kill him. Xena was already deeply suspicious before Hope was born to the point almost anything would have convinced her.


I completely agree with Meushell. Yes Hope is half demon, but she is also half human too as well. Hope had showed her human side many times in her interactions with Gabrielle. There were several times when Hope was alone with Gabrielle where she had the perfect opportunity to kill her, but never ever did. I'd also say that arguably her not killing off Gabrielle's family in Potedaia also shows off Hope's human side too as well. I truly believe that Hope's reason for being in Potedaia was to honestly get to know and bond with her maternal family that she never ever got a chance to know as a child. I mean think about it. How is Hope spending time in Gabrielle's hometown furthering Dahak's evil plans for the world? Sure Hope made up excuses as to why her being there was furthering the plan, but really deep down inside she was there because she was craving love (her mother's love & family love), makes sense since she was abandoned as a child. Logically Hope should've immediately went about fulfilling her father's plan right after the Destroyer was born instead of wasting all that time in Potedaia, and having her son randomly kill off farmers & farm animals.

Before someone says "But Hope threatened to kill Gabrielle's family after Xena had figured out that she was posing as Gabrielle." I honestly think that Hope was just bluffing in order to get Xena to leave her alone. I'm not saying that she wouldn't have killed Gabrielle's family there & then had Xena called her out on her bluff, but Hope had plenty of precious time & opportunity to kill off Gabrielle's family while they were alone, defenseless, and all by themselves with no Xena in sight to protect them way before Xena had finally arrived in Potedaia. Hope could've also just as easily killed off her aunt & grandparents immediately after Xena left after Hope had made her bluff, but she didn't.

If Hope were truly (fully) demonic then she would've immediately murdered Gabrielle & Gabrielle's whole family rather than (in her own weird way) trying to get to know them.


Adding onto my post in Hope's defense, another thing that proves that Hope deep down inside had truly just wanted her mother's love was her brief conversation with Joxer in "Sacrifice pt.2". In that episode Joxer told "Gabrielle" that she loves Xena more than anyone in the whole world, and Hope (disguised as Gabrielle) hearing that had sounded quite hurt by that.

Hope hates Xena on a personal level (outside of just hating her for the sake of hating her because, half-demon). She's fully aware that Xena is the sole reason as to why she was robbed of her mother in life, and I think that this would explain her real motivations behind her actions in "Maternal Instincts" (I mean really, why would Dahak care on a personal level if Solan lives or dies). Xena had robbed Hope of her mother, now Hope was going to return the favor and rob her of her son. And who better to help Hope along with the deed than another kindred spirit, Callisto, who was also robbed of her family by Xena.

I bring all of this up because I feel like in Xena's rash decision to decide to kill Hope from birth, causing Gabrielle to abandon her own child for her own good, Xena had inadvertently created another Callisto. Callisto would've grown up to become a woman just like Gabrielle had Xena not robbed her of her family, and the same argument could be used for Hope too as well had Xena not robbed her of her mother.

Hope hates that this woman ripped her mother out of her life, and she hates even more that her mother actually loves this woman over her. I feel like all of that hurt genuinely comes from Hope's human side, and makes her a sympathetic, tragic villain just like Callisto is.


I think people just choose to overlook that Gabrielle was supernaturally and speedily pregnant with a baby spawned from evil itself that wasted no time killing a man and turning him pale upon arrival. This makes a whole difference in contrast to the Callisto arc where Xena was the "Dahak" in that situation. Plus Callisto wasn't born from evil origins, that would be Hope. So anyone thinking clearly that heard of an evil entity (baby or not) birthed into the world rather very abnormally would want that thing gone and they wouldn't be wrong to either. Let's be real.


This came from a Steven Sears interview, but the link no longer works:

I shared it in an old poll thread: http://whooshorg.proboards.com/post/23643/thread

Do you think Hope is all demon or part human?

Steven Sears:
Hope was "part human" but all evil. Her human genetics wasn't in dispute, but not enough to have turned her or made her "good". There was enough, though, to serve as an Achilles Heel in order to defeat her. The human side of her really wanted her mother's approval, but only in the sense that her mother would finally agree with her mission and tactics. Still, she would allow Gabrielle more leeway in "finding her way" than she would tolerate in others. That could be used against her, but not have changed her.

Hope's growth rate was proof against her. Eve had a natural growth rate.



Hope's growth rate was proof against her. Eve had a natural growth rate.

That doesn't matter much. Magical beings have weird growth rates. In one story, Artemis aided in the birth of her twin brother Apollo. Hermes stole his Apollo's cattle when he was only a few days old.

Xena had no idea of anything about Hope's biology. Children of Ares, the God of War are not hardwired to be violent. Xena has been wrong about the guilt of people before. He has allowed people who did far worse the chance to reform. I understand for Hope being destined to be evil is convenient to justify Xena' attempt to kill her. But Xena did not absolutely know that and as myself and other posters shown there were other possibilities. She jumped to conclusions and in that instance is not so different from Zeus. Worse in some ways because Zeus could easily have been basing his actions on what the child of the last outsider god (Dahak) had done.


I did not forget or ignore anything. Xena did not see Hope strangle anyone. She left the room only to return and find the knight strangled with Hope playing withe pendant. Gabrielle did point out the possibility that someone else had come into the room and murdered the knight. I admit Hope did it and going by the series it was supposed to be proof that Hope was evil, but from Xena's point of view it isn't so simple. Xena assumed Hope strangled him out of evil intent. Did Hope do it by accident? Did Hope maybe misuse some sort of strength or power? Did the knight accidentally do something that frightened Hope? Did Hope have an evil nature that could have been overcome with loving nurture? Could Hope even comprehend what she had done or formed a coherent thought to murder a man?

Xena took it upon herself to serve as judge, jury and executioner on an infant. She based her suspicions purely on a prophecy and who Hope's father was. That one incident was enough to condemn Hope to death compared to Xena who herself had done much worse yet still found redemption.

Prophecies in Greek myth are tricky things. Often, the very act of trying to prevent them brings them about. On the other hand, sometimes acting to prevent them stops them from coming true. Both Zeus and Xena were willing to kill infants/babies to avert what they thought were terrible futures without fully giving said being a chance to grow up and prove if they truly were the threat they were supposed to be or if there was another way to avert that dark future. Yet Zeus is reviled while Xena is given a free pass.


Xena never saw baby Hope strangle the guy. She walked in afterwards, saw baby Hope playing with the pendant and immediately assumed the baby did it.

Having said that, the One True God never seemed threatening in the slightest, as opposed to Dahak who everybody said he was evil, a notion more or less solidified once Krafstar/The Deliverer showed his true colors in the end.


Having said that, the One True God never seemed threatening in the slightest, as opposed to Dahak who everybody said he was evil, a notion more or less solidified once Krafstar/The Deliverer showed his true colors in the end.

I would disagree with that. The One's plan was to end the time of the Olympians and for all the talk about nonviolence gave Xena the power to kill gods. That is threatening behavior. It wants them gone and if they do not leave volutnrily it has given one of history's greatest warriors the power to kill otherwise immortal beings. For story purposes, the Olympians created humanity and built the civilization of ancient Greece over a thousand years or more. Then some outsider who did not contribute a thing decides to take over by invading and if they do not leave have them killed. And this gods only deals in extremes of good and evil instead of accepting a middle ground like the Olympians. That is why I find the Olympian point of view in the Twilight sympathetic.


I HATED Eve/Livia when she killed Joxer! 😬😧 But then after she changed, I actually rather liked her a lot. 😇


That was such a dramatic scene. I lived.



Yes I am agree with you Hope is my favorite character
