Xena and Ares

Think Xena and Ares were in love? I think Ares did love Xena, even though he went against her at times. And Xena obviously cared more for him then she would admit. I understand why she wouldn't go with him, she didn't want to be a warrior anymore. Ares, appeared to be about the favorite vilian on the series. So sad Kevin Smith died so young. πŸ˜–πŸ˜­ I'd like to think that after Xena sacrificed herself, Ares took her body somewhere, and froze her, like he did at the end of season 5. Nice to think that Xena was with her son, Solan at the end.


I think they were, but Xena knew he was bad for her, or rather, the two of them together were bad for everyone else. LOL.

Xena is to be reincarnated over and over, so even if she reunited with Solan in the end, it would have been brief. Maybe she visited him between lives though.

Keevan - I hate Ferengi. *THUNK*
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


I agree. I understand why she didn't go with Ares. I actually think Ares LIKED it when she would get angry with him, because she had that fire! πŸ˜„πŸ˜˜ Would also like to think she saw Solan again as well.


I know Xena may have been turned to ashes, but since Ares got his god powers back, I'd like to think, that he was able to make her whole again, and put her body somewhere! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜πŸ’œ



You can't freeze ashes.

And don't give Ares' godly powers too much credit. He merely healed without Athena's blessing and he lost everything. Yes, he brought back to life those 3 guys he killed in "The Reckoning" but it doesn't look like they had even been buried yet.

Sure, Xena's physical body was destroyed but her soul moved on to the next life and so on and so on, until we get to Soul Possession where she had been reincarnated into a mismatching vessel.


Maybe. It's just a nice thought though. Would like to have seen his reaction to her death.


Ares loved Xena, I dont think Xena ever loved Ares she was just attracted to him. I think she loved Marcus, Hercules, Lao Ma, Gabrielle, Borias, and maybe Akemi. I think Ares, like Julius Caesar was just someone Xena was attracted to


Ares loved Xena, I dont think Xena ever loved Ares she was just attracted to him. I think she loved Marcus, Hercules, Lao Ma, Gabrielle, Borias, and maybe Akemi. I think Ares, like Julius Caesar was just someone Xena was attracted to

I agree with most of this. I don't think she loved Borias tho (during those years). She even said to Gabrielle when she was telling her story that it wasn't about love. I think she may have loved him later in Past Imperfect when her memories came back of just how hard he tried to take her away, and remembered him telling her he loved her.

and I thought she did love Caesar during Destiny flashback story. Or at least she thought that it was love. That's why his betrayal was so devastating. That betrayal killed those feelings,

I don't think she ever loved Ares either. She possibly came to care about him in season 5 and 6. But it was never anything beyond an attraction. Ares did love her, tho he only came to love her after she changed.


I wonder how he felt about Xena's death? Also, LOVED how she kept trying to deny she liked him, LOL!!!!!!😁 I think he LIKED it when she fought with him!


He loved her and I believe she had a level of camaraderie with him. They were both warriors and she relied upon his teachings for years of her conquests; she was a protΓ©gΓ© that he valued unlike any other. But when she was partially redeemed (she sort of fell backwards afterwards, imo) she recognized he was ultimately one of the bad guys. She still appreciated his place in the world but knew it wouldn't be practical. Though, she did go above and beyond to ensure his survival when he was at his weakest.
