MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys (1995) Discussion > Far cheaper yet far better than its sequ...

Far cheaper yet far better than its sequel

Hard to believe that in the Bay-Bruckheimer world, less often meant more...


Remembering Space Shuttle Columbia:


Agreed. But I think this happens more often than not. There are a lot of sequels that are more expensive than the originals, but lack the attributes that really made the original a good or great film.


as with most originals,, this one is better than the sequel, however I didn't know that it was cheaper money wise than the sequel.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


I was really surprised to find out this movie cost less than $20 million to make. It really does have the look and appearance of a far more expensive film.
Contrast this with Unbreakable which I recently saw. No big action set pieces, a generally fairly low-key sort of film that cost $80 million and yet looks more like a $20 million film than this one IMO.


Both movies were good but yeah, I'd have to agree the first one is better.


-Bad Boys (1995) - 6-6.5/10
-Bad Boys II (2003) - 6/10

while i like both i feel the first movie is better paced as the second movie hits some duller stretches which usually revolve around a portion of the action scenes. the second movie would have benefited if it where a bit shorter in length.

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


Should also keep in mind that the stars of the first Bad Boys weren't really stars at that point, and as it was Bay's debut perhaps he had less creative control. I do agree that the first is better than the second. Too bad the second is only 1:85:1, composition feels cropped.

Bad Boys 2, although it's fun to see the guys and cap at it again, script and style are nothing compared to the original, and Dre's beats that repeat in the soundtrack land a home-run into Cheeseland

In my opinion the only films Bay did that were good, real good even - were Bad Boys, The Rock and The Island. The rest not so much.


So very true!

Maybe if the original creator Tea had taken the reins it would have been better.

Alas egos prevail over character.


I remember thinking at the time that Bad Boys II was far better than the original. Rewatched II alone back in college and I remember my roommate and I agreeing that II was always better. Rewatched them both now, and while II is much cooler and flashier, Bad Boys is by far the better movie. Of course in 2003 when I was a teenager and 2011 when I was in college I would think the cool flashy one is better.
