One of the best.

Batman Forever is one of the best out of the entire Batman movie series, in my opinion.

The bad guys are over the top, but they didn't go as far as to ruin the entire film.

It was good for its era. The 90s didn't have much to work with when it comes to technology. Tommy Lee Jones had the make-up, whereas Two-Face from The Dark Knight had CGI / VFX. As Batman fans we can appreciate both.



Let's not lose perspective! It went in a totally different direction and seemed a lot more cartoonish in "BF" & "B&R!" They're both train-wrecks that some of us can't help but watching every time it plays on cable!   I do prefer Val; as Batman or Bruce btw!   

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- - Batman Homage


That's true. Val Kilmer was a little bland as Batman and Bruce Wayne, but he wasn't over the top, i prefer him as opposed to Christian Bale's version.


"Batman Begins" was a great reboot though! It was quite impressive showing us the history and origins of Batman we usually only see in flashbacks and through dialogue! 

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- - Batman Homage


I think Batman Forever is fine it had tons of Dark in it did excellent at the Box Office and Home Video it was the first film about Batman and Bruce Wayne not the Villian's Val Kilmer to me was perfect looked the part and had an excellent Batman voice too.Do I think the original version of the film would be better yes because it had more Darker elements then silly ones but WB was still too nervous because of what happen with Batman Returns so they had them refilm a lot of parts to make them more silly then dark.


I consider this a classic. The only thing I watch in "B+R" is the opening fight scene and it looks kind of clumsy in spots.

Annoying the world since 1960!


For the most part, Batman Forever was Warner Bros. move to 'water down' the franchise by making it more family accessible. This agenda also helped them to sell more colorful toys in supermarkets to maximize profits even more. It's classic 90's greed and commercialism.

It's an occasional fun popcorn flick but nothing more.


It was definitely good for the era it came out in, these were movies we all looked forward to back then. I think the first two movies are better because I liked the Burton darkness to them but I wasn't going to complain about this one at the time because I was just happy to be getting more Batman movies. Today we are spoiled with all the Marvel and now DC movies that are coming out consistently. I love it. Been waiting for this era ever since I was a little kid in the 70s reading the comic books.
