MovieChat Forums > Batman Forever (1995) Discussion > that Batman Forever SNES game

that Batman Forever SNES game

Anyone remember the video game on this movie? Lot of people say it sucked and some liked it, and according the the AVGN it was the worst, but I thought it was alright. My 1st impressions were the graphics were quite good. My main complaint was it was just too damn hard! Even on easy! If anyone beats this game they are a gaming master. The problem is the enemies clobber you. It takes so long to kill all the baddies and their attacks are so deadly. I could never make it all the way to the end, I'd get to the Ritz Gothem level and those damn riddler thugs would gang up on me. I mean, why add a riddler gang in there, they weren't even in the movie. It had all the other familiar baddies in the movie, Two-Face, Riddler, and even Sugar & Spice. The control was kinda cryptic, it took me a while to get used to the controls. The moves that Batman would do looks exactly the same as from Mortal Kombat. There were many different versions of Batman Forever, on the Genesis, Game Gear, Arcade, and I believe that's it. But the SNES one was by far the best because graphics were good and it included a map system when you would go from stage to stage which was pretty cool. Overall, it was decent and followed the movie well from beginning to end.


The Arcade game was ported too, to Playstation 1 that I know of. That was the most playable version. It was like Streets of Rage style. The SNES/Genesis Batman Forever games had more that Mortal Kombat style of combat, but the levels were confusing and frustrating to navigate. I don't think the Batman Forever games were worthy of all the hate they got though. They were a step up from the NES era of Batman games for sure, as good as the Batman Returns games, although not as good as the Batman The Animated Series games.


I remember the SNES version well, there were a lot of funny and cool things about it. The "hold on" message that came up while the next scene was loading was a bit annoying. I liked when the thugs tried to attack you while you're swinging on your grappling gun, because whatever weapons they use go right past you. The clowns had funny names and funnier attacks. A large number of the henchmen willingly jumped or rolled to their deaths at the end of the second stage, sometimes RIDING their chainsaws (no joke) over the edge. Also when freeing the guards, Batman and Robin don't undo the ropes, as soon as you get close enough the guards raise their arms and the ropes fall away, as if your mere presence inspires them to free themselves. Robin's block pose was pretty cool. Batman simply holds his cape up to block, but Robin holds out a rod that has electricity coming out of both ends extending to the floor around him. It was also pretty cool that when you fight Two-Face he uses more dangerous weapons when he's standing on the dark side of the room, and mostly his fists on the light side.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.




I played it and it was okay, I had it on the Genesis though. The best games of that era were all the RPG's anyway, at least they were to me. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, Breath of Fire, Breath of Fire II, Soul Blazer, Lufia 1, Lufia 2, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Illusion of Gaia, Robotrek, Brain Lord, Paladin's Quest, The 7th Saga, Earthbound, Ogre Battle, Y's III, Brandish, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III, Phantasy Star IV. Lol I was always deep into an RPG back in those days, it took a really great game that wasn't an RPG to drag me away from them. Kinda like Zelda Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Castlevania IV or Contra III type of game.
